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Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:59 pm
by KyletheCartoonist
^Yes, but it is optional to pay. I've accumulated more that 400 gems by just playing the game normally and not paying anything.

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:20 pm
by Nibelilt
Yeah, but companions generally go for 1000+. They have houses each month that cost 300. You'd be lucky to win much from the well without spending anything either. Sure, it's optional to spend money on the game, but it's also optional to spend money on Tap Zoo. I miss Universe, which was actually free, but they demolished it instead of fixing it...

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:45 am
by KyletheCartoonist
Yeah, I guess.

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:31 pm
by Modeltrainman
What is Skylanders, exactly? I know it has toys, just like Infinity, but I'm familiar with the gameplay of Infinity, over SL.

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:44 pm
by Sheriff Woody
the only similarity is the use of physical characters Skylanders details

having played both the original and giants i can tell you it gets VERY repetitive. both of my sons lost interest quickly after the main story had been completed.

a big difference between Skylanders and Disney Infinity is that Disney Infinity has a wide variety of gameplay and of course the ToyBox ... Skylanders doesn't

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:46 pm
by Modeltrainman
It's just fighting... Huh.

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:50 pm
by Sheriff Woody
yup, basically just fighting with some hidden treasures to find and a few puzzles every now and again

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:09 am
by Modeltrainman

Re: Skylanders (Series general)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:31 am
by Nibelilt
Rant mode activate!

Here is a demo for Adventure:

Here is a demo for Swap Force:

Yes, their big innovation... Is doing the same thing, just two-hundred fold... And with jumping, which has been in the 3DS versions for the last two years... It's really just a franchise built for kids that will drag parents into the collecting aspect.

Excellent games to play in your free time... But NOT worth paying hundreds... And once you get in, you will want 'em all, I can say that from experience...

It is a lot more fun if you have someone to play with in Battle or Co-Op mode, but I don't think that it's fair to judge it by that unless the game is built purely around that aspect(I.E. MMORPGs), since in years time you'll probably just be coming back for single-player when your friends lose interest. This is why they NEED to add online mode- no, they haven't done that, seriously.

The 3DS versions add more variety. I strongly dislike Giants 3DS, but I honestly get more kicks from booting up that these days because the console versions become mind-numbingly tiring with so much to do. I honestly think that they should DITCH the UPGRADE SYSTEM and use the same one as the 3DS games where levelling up gives you upgrades and stat boosts. That would make the game much more fun since you wouldn't have to do so much with 100+ figures, and if you like visiting the early levels with little gold in them it wouldn't be pointless. I know that sounds worse, but it's honestly more enjoyable in my opinion. You do the same thing... But you'll get to reach the fun part of your figures so much sooner.

And then the collecting aspect. It's fun. But boy, is it frustrating, with the low stock, country exclusives, limited releases, promos... And if you're hardcore, chase variants...

As usual, Activision drives another franchise I love into the magma by oversaturating it until it can't generate enough money for their greedy likings.