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Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:20 pm
by bastystitch
Went back to do some last minute and I'm so glad I did! I added a level starter instead of a trigger area to start the level, I made the level look less ugly by making a seperate island for logic toys and managed to fix my replayers which probably would of been the nail in the coffin for my chances of getting featured! This is the toy box I've put the most time into ever and I feel great for doing it. Top 5 here I come!

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:12 am
by Steamboat Silly
Awesome! I just uploaded mine to Disney I put 15+ hours into this and even though it was very frustrating at times, there is a sense of satisfaction with its completion.

edit: My level is up if anyone wants to check it out

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:58 pm
by DizExplorer03
Working on my entry for this challenge. It will be a battle race entitled The Hero's Cup! Prove to the gods that you're the strongest and fastest hero on the racetrack as you race through iconic scenes from the film like Hercules' training, the battle against the Hydra, and the gloomy Underworld. The race track is completed and all I have to do is put in the details. Can't wait for the finished product.

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:50 pm
by fdanielix
^ Sounds great! It seems not many artist are participating on this one

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:05 am
by pjhaan
I am contemplating submitting my Zelda Dungeon for this challenge. It is about 99% done and it kind of fits the bill.

Does locking a toy box to a specific character hurt your chances of being featured? I thought about locking it to Thor...

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:23 am
by fdanielix
^ Go ahead! I played your level today. It was cool :) Make sure you work out the glitches and add some music.

There is something that is hurting your chances, though. The Link and Triforce block art. I doubt it would get featured if those stay there, because obvious legal problems with Nintendo. You should also research a bit about Greek Mythology and add some lore into the toybox. You have plenty of time.

Also, My Hercules toybox is shared, so you can play it if you want :)

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:02 am
by pjhaan
The version I currently have shared is fairly old. I have made a bunch of tweaks to a local copy. I can't remember how old that version is but I know I fixed all the doors, changed the boss battle and other small fixes. It has a challenge maker to see how fast you can get through the dungeon as well.

I will see if I can come up with some more appropriate block art for the level that relates to Hercules instead of Zelda.

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:06 am
by fdanielix
^ You can modify Link to make it look like hercules with a sword. You can make and upside-down triforce amd call it "The Force Of Triangles"

Re: Hercules Challenge 7/16 - 7/22

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:41 am
by pjhaan
My "new" toy box will be called "The 11th Labor." The link art will be updated to Hercules and the Triforce will be modified to something that represents the 11th Labor of Hercules. I am going to redo a the decoration in a couple rooms to match the labors and might make the enemies a little tougher...

I saved as a new box so my Zelda box is perfectly intact...