Lone Ranger

Re: Lone Ranger

Postby Hey37Bulldog » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:56 am

most of the reviews judged the film by its financial troubles so that's why they came out so negatively.

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I watched it last week. I loved it except from the 1933 segments. I felt they detracted from the story and were unnecessary.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:30 pm

Just saw this the other night, heard it didn't do too well, but wanted to give it a try, being such a major IP and having preordered the Disney Infinity playset.

Firstly, the BBFC have a lot to answer for these days, I think they're a joke. Since the creation of the 12A certificate, they slap it on every film, no matter the violence or other content (I realise they're trying to set the villain as a real bad villain, not one of these misunderstood "naughty" bad guy types, I'm looking at you Doofensmirtz!, but ghastly stuff like that should not be 12A, it should be 15 rated.

Again, bit unsure what Disney were going for here... Cowboys and Indians is ok, but not as light hearted as Pirates, definite all about greed, revenge, but much darker than Pirates, wouldn't mind my girls seeing Pirates but not Lone Ranger.

The story did drag on, it must be said, went in circles... got a little lost, etc. the constant jumping out of the narrative, the first time was ok, comical even, but after that you grew more depressed for Tonto and more irritated with the boy, well I did anyway. So a lot they should have done better, however still glad I saw it, especially the end was very "Lone Ranger-ry", which we'd been waiting for the whole film really.

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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby SalmonPink » Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:59 pm

^ Yeah, the 12A rating does seem to create a lot of problems. I've seen some startling young children at 12As before. Of course, what a child can handle without become upset very much depends on the individual, and their parents are going know their kid's tolerance better than anyone. But I have seen young children have to be escorted out of the cinema because the film has upset them on multiple occasions. Heck, I saw kids escorted out of Brave and Monsters University! (To be fair, the child escorted from MU was just too young to be at the cinema, but the parents made us endure 40 minutes of random screaming and running around they accepted that. :roll:)

I think if this film wasn't a Disney film, it would have marketed differently, had a different rating, and had different reviews. Having the might of the Disney name usually gives properties an advantage, but this was a case of the opposite.

The narrative device with the young child was definitely strained. Like you say, you just end up depressed for Tonto, so that great finale of "Hi ho, Silver, AWAAAAY!" and the sweeping landscape has a sour note. It felt like they shoe-horned it in to say "look, there's a kid in here, that makes it kid friendly!"

Like I've said before, I really enjoyed it. But I was there as an adult, with another adult. I don't know how I'd react if I took children who were expecting something on a level with Pirates.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby D23Ry » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:14 am

I really enjoyed this film. I thought it was a ton of fun and exactly what a Summer movie should be. I will say, I dont think this is a family film though, its much darker than I thought it would be. Lots of death, etc. When the theme song came on it was classic.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby KillingRaptor » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:45 am

I saw this movie in theater yesterday and had a really good time with it. I don't know why it got so much negative reviews... It was great fun and that's what I want in these kind of movies!
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