Lone Ranger

Re: Lone Ranger

Postby thedisneyfanatic22 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:35 am

^ haha! I didn't see the Disney Infinity video either!
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby Agent C » Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:11 pm

I watched the Lone Ranger, and I enjoyed it. Of course, I have always been a fan of the character. I admit with some others on here it was a unbalanced between comedy and dark tones. A lot of people die in this movie. I think they would have done themselves service to focus more on the Lone Ranger in the previews than Tonto. I think it may have confused some people. I hate that it bombed like it did. I thought it was okay, but then again, I liked John Mars, too. Maybe I am just biased to Disney.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby TheMinion9 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:42 pm

I got to see this in AMC Downtown Disney in Orlando. Even though I have NEVER heard of the character before the Infinity playset announcement, I enjoyed this more than the first 3 pirates films (I prefer 4 as it focuses on Jack more) and I hope there's a sequel.
The great things about this is that Lone Ranger himself gets a lot of character development (as well as Tonto), the main villains (Won't spoil who they are) are spot on for a villain role (Heck, even one slaps a woman and threatens a child) and the action is evened out with story development. If there's one major flaw, it's the fact that there's no need for the over narration in the opening and the end (It kinda annoyed me a bit).

Other than that, the films is worth your money to see. Ignore the reviews and have a fun time by seeing this awesome film. ;)
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby DisneyMania » Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:57 pm

Just saw this in the UK at a preview event with my family and we absolutely loved it! Johnny depp is perfect in the role as tonto and he has great chemistry with armie hammer (lone ranger), didn't think Helena Bonham carter added a lot to the story but she was very amusing! My younger sister who is 10, fell in love with silver and kept laughing at what he was up to. Although there were dark moments in the movie I didn't actually think it was too violent. The ending is spectacular too. Don't take notice of the reviews and go see this film I am looking forward to the playset more than ever now!
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby SalmonPink » Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:47 pm

Resurrecting this topic, because I just saw the film today (it came out here in the UK last Friday).

Overall, I really enjoyed it. Great cast (the only other thing I've seen Armie Hammer in is Mirror Mirror, which wasn't particularly brilliant, but I thought he did a wonderful job), a lot of incredible action set-pieces, and you could really see every dollar of the budget on screen. The final action sequence, when that music keyed up, was jaw-droppingly amazing.

That said, it wasn't flawless.

The biggest problem for me was actually the marketing. All the trailers I've seen really pushed this film as a family-friendly fun-filled romp, and it's not, to be honest. Yes, there's action and humour and adventure. But there's also some really dark scenes and themes (cannibalism, hurting children, genocide, to name a few), much more so than the Pirates franchise, and while the humour is definitely there, it's not as much a comedy as the trailers made it out to be. It's the kind of film that could potentially be a little too intense for younger children, but the marketing might alienate older viewers. I think the advertising department really took the wrong tack.

Other than that, I think the narrative device didn't really work as well as it did for Princess Bride (it's kind of a bummer to know Tonto winds up all alone and disorientated) and it needed far more Red. I hope we can add her NPC to our toy boxes, because she will be in every single one I make! :D

But, yes, I did like it a lot, just so this doesn't look entirely negative or anything. I think it'll be even more enjoyable the second time around, when the tone and content doesn't take me quite so much by surprise, and I can't wait for the playset to arrive. And I'll definitely be getting this on Blu-Ray as soon as it's released!
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby ElvisRV » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:21 am

Wow I can't believe they waited so long to release it there! It's been in the theaters and out in that time in the US.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby axonometri » Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:38 am

Because this has been revived I want to give my opinion. It is a great film. Not perfect but some really good cinematics and writing. Great acting. All these we would expect from such greats. Where I am really surprised that it was so dark. I wanted my kids to see this but I absolutely do want my kids seeing parts of this film. I am really shocked this was Disney. I hope they don't do this again. PotC was as far as I would want Disney to go with darker themes.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby Agent C » Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:05 am

Yeah, I would say they were right for the PG-13 rating. I enjoyed the movie, but the killing and other act will keep my kids from seeing it for a few years. It's a shame too. There is a lot of it I really think they would enjoy.
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Re: Lone Ranger

Postby SalmonPink » Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:58 am

@ ElvisRV
Don't even get me started on release dates in the UK! :lol: Nowadays, most studios release their big blockbusters here not too long after they're out in America, presumably because they know people will get impatient and watch online if they don't. But Disney and Pixar still use loooong delays before the UK release. It's not as bad now, usually a month or two (although that still seems to take forever when you're waiting), whereas it used to be four months or more. I'm in awe that we're actually getting Frozen nine days after America, whereas with Princess and the Frog we had to wait until February (I guess they realised that Christmas is a good release period for other countries too, not just America). I remember going on holiday to Disney World and being able to buy Ratatouille on DVD, whereas it was still in theatres back in the UK. It's pretty frustrating.

Yeah, the darkness in Lone Ranger was a real surprise. Funnily enough, I suspect that if it didn't have the Disney label attached, it may have gotten less negative reviews. Between the somewhat misleading advertising and the expectations the Disney name provides, I think people were anticipating a different kind of movie, leading them to feel the movie 'failed' those expectations. Which isn't really fair, since it is a good movie.

The film was kind of pushed as 'Pirates Of The Caribbean with cowboys', but I think a lot of children who enjoyed Pirates wouldn't necessarily be able to sit through Lone Ranger. (It helps that there's a fantasy element to Pirates, with the Kraken and the ghostly pirates, which makes it easier for children to understand it's only a story.) It might get a second life on Blu-Ray, since viewing films at home can be much less intense for kids than being in a loud, dark cinema.
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