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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:08 pm
by GLUband
I'm having similar issues.

I started playing 1.0 on an Xbox 360. unlocked everything etc. Got 2.0 on a PS3. Put all my characters and playset pieces on the new platform...everything unlocked just as it had been on my original game.

Today I got a copy of 1.0 on my PS3. I put a character on and it was marked as a guest. I thought I'd take ownership just as I had done to connect it to 2.0. BOOM level 0.

I went on the official site, and I've disconnected my Disney account from my Xbox. I've put that same character on the 2.0, still leveled up. Now that I have ended the Xbox connection, I wonder if on 1.0 it will recognize my account now, and give me back the level. I'll post again when I find out.

edit: Well, after playing with Jack on 2.0 and showing him as his current level etc. I've put him on 1.0....and he's playing as a guest. I'm not happy.

another edit: I've contacted Disney Interactive support for help. I'll let you know if I learn anything useful.

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:41 pm
by GLUband
Here's a follow up. I've gotten an email from DI support. It says:
"Character levels will transfer from Infinity 1.0 to 2.0, and between different copies of 2.0, but unfortunately cannot be transferred between two different copies of Infinity 1.0 (as this was a feature that was added in Disney Infinity 2.0).

The same applies to toys - your inventory of unlocked toys will not transfer between two different copies of Disney Infinity 1.0. Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause - if you have any other questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to ask."

I asked who we might nudge to get an update that might fix this problem. They have the programming available if you can transfer from one version of 2.0 to another. How difficult could it be to update 1.0 to do the same?

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:45 pm
by Elmo STM
@GLUband all support (update wise) was finished as soon as the game released because we never seen an update for it at all so couldn't see them doing it now unless they do a digital release of the game for current gen consoles

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:49 pm
by GLUband
well, nuts.

I guess I have other options. I can start them over from scratch. Anyone know if I level them up while playing on 2.0 if that will be reflected on 1.0?

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:08 pm
by Elmo STM
I'm not 100%, don't think so though

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:28 pm
by rogpalmeruk
I've just had a thought.... when the Vita version comes out, erm will it be linked to my PS account or will it default to "Guest"..... ?

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 2:57 pm
by Romulus77
Should be fine once you link your Disney ID to the game.

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:18 pm
by darthclem
Fantastic post, Ace! I wish I had read this before my son's and my "share ownership" ordeal began in Disney Infinity 3.0.

Re: Figure Ownership Explained

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:41 am
by darthclem
All we want is for my son to be able to level up seamlessly between solo play on his Xbox and split screen with me (dad) on his Xbox.

I thought all was well until...

My son had Yoda at level 7 after a lot of messing with "shared ownership"/"play as guest" and me deciding to delete my saved game so that he'd have sole ownership. He played Yoda solo up to level 9. We then played split screen (play as guest) and he got Yoda up to level 11. We decided to see if his level "stuck" and logged in has him. We were pleased to see he was still level 11. So far, so good.

We started up the game again in split screen and leveled him up to 12, then some unexpected guests showed up at our house and we paused for a while. We started up the game again (we never removed the figures from their respective positions on the base) and played him from level 12 to level 13. Just to test things out, we saved and quit, and switched the profile from me to my son and fired up the game in single player. He was back at level 11. I don't recall it asking is us if we wanted to play as a guest on these sessions or if it just started up. But I know we DID NOT pick "Share Ownership".

When we went to the main menu and switched the profile to me, I had Yoda under my list of owned figures (which I didn't before -- I have never played as Yoda). Every time I think I understand this "Shared Ownership" thing, a new wrinkle appears. My son now has flat out refused to play split screen anymore. He said, "What's the point? I don't get any sparks. I don't get any achievements. I don't get any sidekicks. I don't even level up."

I am so ready to throw in the towel on this game. My experience with this game has been mostly misery due to how it handles multiplayer. As I said above, all we want is for my son to retain his progress across both his solo play and when he play split screen with me. If anyone can straighten me out, I would be very grateful.