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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:24 pm
by semerien
To restart the logic for counting lives ... I would perhaps pop up a text box.

Of course this is only going to pop up if the player loses all their lives.

So perhaps you could have Challenge Maker:Game Ended -> Text Creator:Display Text 1

Then set the Text Creator:Properties:Text Type to Proposal

Set Text 1 to something like "Would you like to try again?"

Then have Text Creator:Proposal Accepted -> LG#5:Input
Text Creator:Proposal Accepted -> Challenge Maker:Start Game

Just a thought, but you can experiment around with it to see what works best for you.

Run into any issues with it, let me know.

Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:31 pm
by Rockman2DN
I will try it as soon as I get home! If I have any issues I'll definitely let you know (and likewise, if everything goes great I'll let you know as well!).


Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:09 am
by Rockman2DN
Ok, so I've been home for a few hours now and I just can't get it to work correctly.

I followed the schematics you left me exactly and I can get the display to work, but now if I die once the challenge ends as opposed to running out all 5 lives.

I've fooled around with it for a few hours and still can't get it to work. I'm aware that the problem is, I don't even know exactly what I'm doing/how the logic is working so that I can tweak it and fix whatever problems I'm likely causing. Too many variables (like for a while things weren't working because "auto start challenge on toy box load" actually doesn't work unless it's saved as a toy box game, but I wasn't sure because I didn't know if it would still do the countdown or not before it started) as well as other quirks I've read about when you have to make switches to turn the satellites off in some cases because when you reload they save as "on" so everything is already done...

It's just really frustrating and I'm finding myself getting upset, which is the opposite of how you're supposed to feel when playing a game. I didn't come here to vent or get upset and make a big deal, though.

I just wanted to tell you thanks for all the help you've given me! I think in just going to stick to my simple games and logic and see how far I can get with that. I won't lie, it's very annoying that I can't create like I want to, but this is far to complicated for me!

Was hoping it would be something as simple as using the satellite to beam the exact counter results or whatever into the next box and then just have it reset the count if I get a "game over", possibly by attaching it to text dismissed after a "Try Again?" prompt as you suggested... But this is super complicated.

Again, just leaving this message to tell you thank you and that I am very grateful and just to follow up with you on what happened!

Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:38 pm
by semerien
Sorry to hear it didn't go well.

The only thing I can think of is to hook a button up to the satellite receiver to reset it and try again. There may be some stations that are turned on right now causing that.

As many others can attest to, once you add multiple boxes and try to have them send each other signals, things can get complicated quickly.

Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:56 pm
by Rockman2DN
Yeah, you're absolutely right, things do tend to get complicated once you're linking things through toy boxes =/.

Despite being put off at first, I really wanted to finish this toy box I'm making so I went back in to try again and I can't get it to work. I even thought of another way to get it done (using multiple scoreboards) and that way didn't work either, but it has the same problem that your method is having as well.

Basically I can get the "lives" to carry over into the linked box through both methods, but no matter what once the game starts they get wiped out. Also they don't just get wiped out in the sense of them resetting, they completely disappear (display and all). I tried to make it a toy box game so that they would auto start on entry and it still ends up doing the same thing.

Not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong, or if this is even possible with a challenge involved. As I said, it seems to work alright but once the challenge starts it all breaks down.

Do you have any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong? I know this is asking a lot since I don't know what your schedule is like, but could you possibly try it to see if you could get it to work at all on your end? That way I would know for sure that I'm doing something wrong in my execution and I could try and fix it.

Either way, thanks a lot!