Figure Ownership Explained

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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:32 am

^Echothree excellent question and by having the various format starter packs I have duplicates of Mr Incredible, Jack Sparrow and Sulley so can answer that from experience.

If you buy a replacement from a store, it will be blank (unused, unless it was used to demo) and like the first time you use a figure it auto takes ownership (hence all the people being confused about taking ownership since the game does it automatically on unused figures), same will happen except instead of starting at level 0, it will load the figure with the experience level you achieved before.

If you buy a secondhand replacement from eBay, it will come up as a Guest, once you take ownership from the pause menu it will be yours and restore your experience level from your game data.
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Re: figure Ownership Explained

Postby GrandAdmlStrife » Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:48 am

Even after explaining all this, I still had to prove to my wife that she could take ownership of the figures after I had started using them. She was afraid of wiping my saves because a message comes up warning that the figure's stats would be wiped, and I had to walk her thru it to show it was okay for her to level them as her own instead of in 'guest' mode. :p
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Re: figure Ownership Explained

Postby DoRayEgon » Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:35 am

Great set of instructions. Wish I had seen this before contacting support about this and another issue.
Was worried my kids would reset all the progress I had made on characters when I was at work!
Really badly explained in game - all progress will be reset?! Noooooooooo.
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby Hellliddell » Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:27 am

Sorry, echothree, but the data is saved into the figure itself. This means that if you lose the figure, you loose its data.
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:09 am

^ Incorrect Hellliddell. Please read the topic and first post, you've not understood it.
Only if the figure was used in Guest mode and was lost before it be loaded back in your original game, but only the experience gained in the last Guest session would be lost.
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby jward22 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:55 am

My son has this game for xbox at his dads house. He has many figures and the round power ups. For his birthday he wants to buy it for the wii at my house. So my understanding (very basic as I have no knowledge about the game so please correct me if im wrong!!) Is that he can bring the figures from his dads house and use them at mine. He would claim ownership at moms and have a new game started here and when back at dads claim ownership and it would go back to where he was over there and it would continue to save a game at dads and a game at moms by claiming ownership each time? Thanks for your clarification in advance!
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby AceSoloMcCloud » Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:05 am

^ jward22 Yes that's correct.

Once he gets a figure to level 15 on one game console, then he could leave the figure in Guest mode to continue levelling it for the other console, which it would "bank" or save the experience gained, when he next connects it back on the other console.
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby jward22 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:27 am

Thanks! Wanted to make sure before we did that and messed up his game at dads! I'm sure we will be back when he gets it here! Target has it on sale for $59.99 this week!
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby Primelover » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:29 pm

This seems to work most of the time but when first leaving Tia Dalma's in pirates, some how my "guest" jack jumped to "owned" :( dunno why but I thought I would warn you all.
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