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Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:42 pm
by Ryno R80
I'm playing Jakku as Rey and Finn and they keep talking to BB-8 who is not there. Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm on Xbox one.

Re: Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:05 pm
by MightyGitis
Don't think the droid actually follows you around. I was a little sad about this but he only shows up in cut scenes for me so far. I'm on pS4

Re: Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:51 pm
by Musicboy74
I also noticed this while playing on XB1. He is there occasionally, but I didn't see him the whole time.

Re: Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:04 am
by ElvisRV
He appears on the second planet but I've yet to see him on Jakku

Re: Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:32 pm
by Goofyboy
Poe has similar lines too. Its like any other lines that the characters of Infinity throws out there all the time. Never bothered anyone! :P BB-8 is a mission giver on Jakku.

Re: Where is BB-8? Glitch?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:02 pm
by BlackWidow
It's just one of many unfinished/unpolished parts of the game. BB-8 most of the time just wanders around unless he's needed for a specific mission. But yes, you are correct, the characters randomly talk to him. It seems part of their general play banter. I haven't played the characters enough outside of the playset to see if they do the same thing in their regular play banter, or if it's specific to the playset.

But no, you aren't missing anything - this playset is just unfinished.