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My INterior help

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:22 pm
by SanSolo
Hello all. Hope you can help me with the following. The other day I was trying to change a room in my INterior. I had the magic wand in my hand and fired a bolt at a door opening. Now there is an actuall door there and I can not remove it :( Any suggestions on how to proceed? Many thanks in advance.

Re: My INterior help

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:50 pm
by Jazz820
Did you delete the room? A door goes in place when a room is not built on the other side. As soon as you attach a room to it, the door will disappear and you can customize the room.

Re: My INterior help

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:24 pm
by SanSolo
All I can "do" is make a room door connection or something. Have tried other rooms but it seems all I can do is change the walls and floors. I can not add anything else. No windows, items and that sort of stuff. Also adding a new room I can not do anywhere.