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Using a trigger point for certain things

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:35 am
by JediMasterofAgrabah
Hey y'all. Been playing DI since about October, and I've gotten really hooked on it. Now for the first time ever I am trying to make a toy box of my own and I don't intend on it being a groundbreaking masterpiece, but I'm hoping to make it at least somewhat decent. Here's what I want to know at the moment.

-How to make double doors not open until after all enemies generated are defeated (and I have more than one placed down for the same trigger point to set off)

-How to put an invisible barrier

-How to make another boss generate after one boss is defeated

-How to make those domes that hold things or people not appear until after the second boss is defeated

-How to show the mission complete symbol and have the character strike a pose once the objective(s) of a toy box are completed after the glass domes have been destroyed and whatever's in it is free at last

Re: Using a trigger point for certain things

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:40 pm
by semerien
Double doors not open until all enemies have been defeated.

Put a level starter down in your toybox (it’s a creativitoy)

Level Starter: Catalyze -> Door:Close ( Send a signal to every door from the level starter)

Enemy Wave Generator:Wave Defeated -> Door:Open

Invisible Barrier

There is a toy called a Scalable Barrier Block. This is an invisble barrier that you can adjust the size of by moving the two points on it to drag the size.

Have a second boss generate

I would use a time delayer to do this.

In this example I will assume you want Darth Maul first and then we will spawn Darth Vader (adjust accordingly)

Boss Toy: Darth Maul Defeated -> Time Delayer:Start Delay

Time Delayer:Delay Completed -> Boss Toy: Spawn Darth Vader

(I will have to double check connections on the boss toy for this one )

Safety Dome Appearing

This COULD be done with a replayer tool. I would look up a video on replayer’s, I believe the Disney site has at least one on using them)

Mission Complete Symbol and character celebrating

Easiest way is to make the entire toy box work under a Challenge Maker. When the Challenge Maker gets a Game Complete message it will do the confetti around the screen and make your character celebrate.

So you would have the player start the Challenge before any of the combat and have the safety dome:destroyed -> challenge maker:game completed.

You can also use an action enforcer to make the player celebrate whenever you want.

BUT, if the safety dome is only showing up from a Replayer things get … a little more challenging.

It can be done and if you would like I can walk you through making a replayed safety dome send a message to non replayed items in the toybox. Just takes a little extra work.