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Submitted Toyboxes (Linked)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:30 pm
by JustNCredible
So I know the game engine allows for up to (I think) any combination of 10 Toy Boxes or INteriors.

My question is, how many can you have linked together for a submission to Disney? I want to say I remember someone saying noi more than 2, but that was a while ago and that number could have been increased. Thanks for any and all help.

Submitted Toyboxes (Linked)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:31 pm
by MightyGitis
I believe I already answered this via private message for you....

The only limit is how many you can link in game there is not a limit for submission. We just featured first for TFA with a box that had 8.

Re: Submitted Toyboxes (Linked)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:23 am
by JustNCredible
Oh you did! Thanks a lot; I must have accidentally opened it without realizing it, as I've been waiting for my (0 new messages) to go to (1) lol. That sounds like an amazing toy box! I'll definitely download it and play it when I get my PS4 to a place with a better internet connection. (Satellite here, and DI/PS don't cooperate with my lag for some reason.