How can I delete link rooms

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How can I delete link rooms

Postby Alvatroski » Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:33 am

So the other day I was working on my Tower of Terror Toybox and I accidentaly linked an empty INterior to that toybox and now when I enter the ToT Toybox I always appear in the INterior toybox and to get to the ToT I've got to get throught the link door. Does anybody know how to delete that link so that when I enter my Toybox I appear on my main ToT and not on that accident INterior toybox?

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Re: How can I delete link rooms

Postby fdanielix » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:32 pm

When you select a ToyBox to load it, you have an option to "Select world". When you are prompted to select a level, there is an option to delete the level.
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