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Path creator help - connections from other paths

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:44 pm
by pjhaan
The box I am working on has multiple, complex paths. The first two paths start at the same time. I want the third path to start when the other paths reach a certain point.

Path point (on path one) --> path point reached by object on path --> car (decoration on path 3) --> path creator --> Start

For some reason, the car on path three starts way before the object on path one is even close to the path point. I tried several times all with the same results.

I used this setup to stop and restart a car on path two successfully. Any ideas?

I do have a work around (time delayer) but would really like the path point option to work...

My level looks like a crazy dot-to-dot... Currently three paths with a ton of path points.