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Missing Halloween Items

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:24 pm
by JustNCredible
So I just realized that a lot of the Halloween Town items in the Hub are not a part of any set you unlock from the Speedway. These include the large stone archway next to Merlin's tower, all of the dead trees, and the gravestones, as well as the bats circling around and the added sound of the howling wolf (there is a variation to the wolf in the sound effects toy but it is different). Has anyone talked about this, and if and when these pieces might become available? They are very cool and its not like DI to include such blatant TB items but not give them to us; these are the first as far as I know.

Am I crazy and there is a way to get them? Or does it seem like maybe the team ran out of time making these accessible to us?

Re: Missing Halloween Items

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:10 am
by JustNCredible

No one has any comments on this?

Re: Missing Halloween Items

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:56 pm
by Erdadi3
It is not possible to get them, there are some others items in the Hub that are not present in the Toy Box mode, like the "dragon?" skeleton of Tatooine area. Don't know the reason, it seems the developers had access to more items when building the hub than us.