Creativitoy connections not working

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Creativitoy connections not working

Postby Sinistersmithy » Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:20 pm

Hi I started to create a new world and it was going great until the triggers and logic connections stopped working. I can't even get my towns person to stand still. My previous connections were fine then I started to use the path creator and made connection to an actor and went wrong from there. Anyone else had this problem?
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Re: Creativitoy connections not working

Postby CCRunner524 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:08 pm

What exact connections are you doing? Also the Townsperson stand still is the main one that tends to break.
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Re: Creativitoy connections not working

Postby Sinistersmithy » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:08 pm

Hi I am trying to connect a trigger area that connects to the path creator that my townsperson walks along. A camera and text creator is also connected. Maybe I just have too much going on ha. My townsperson won't walk the path I've created or stand still its so frustrating :/.
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Re: Creativitoy connections not working

Postby semerien » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:42 pm

Stand Still is infamous for not working very well, especially after a townsperson has walked a path.

Try another action instead, that also forces them to stand still. Try disapprove or admire maybe.

Also, every point on a path can be used as a trigger area. You can make a logic connection from a path point so that path point:object reaches point on path -> can hook up to the logic you are trying to activate.

As for the path no longer working . First thing I would check is in the path creator properties. Make sure activate (the first property) is set to On. If you use a logic connection to send a signal to the path creator:off and then save the toy box, that path creator will load turned off. When it's off, sending it any signal (like reset and play) won't do anything.
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Re: Creativitoy connections not working

Postby Sinistersmithy » Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:14 pm

Ok I will try that. Thanks a lot for your help :).
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