Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

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Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby Rockman2DN » Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:06 pm

Hey, all!

Before I asked my question I just wanted to say that I love this site. I've just recently got into Disney Infinity and I've been able to come here and learn how to do things I otherwise would've had NO idea how to get done. Everyone here is so helpful and friendly, and I just wanted to say that you've helped me a lot in the past!

Currently I'm making a toybox that is supposed to be a bit challenging. You start with 5 lives at the start of the game and obviously the game is over when you lose them all. The game is a bit big so it had to be split into 2 toy boxes via the toy box door. I've been using the counter in conjunction with the victory tracker in order to get the desired effect of having 5 lives and having that number decrement with each death and then making a logic connection that ends the game when the counter reaches zero.

The thing is, I have no idea how to make it so that said lives carry over once you go through the toy box door into the linked toy box. If I'm not being clear (because sometimes I can be confusing): if you leave the first box with 3 lives, I would like it so that those 3 lives carry over into the next box.

I know this is probably acheivable using satellites, but I can not figure it out at all... Furthermore, I have to start another challenge when I get into the next box so that the game will actually end when the count hits Zero... But I have no idea how I can set it so that if you run out of the lives that you carried over in the second box, when you restart the challenge in that box, you start with 5 instead of the number you carried over from the first box..

Again, I hope I am clear and am not being confusing (because I feel like I may have confused myself, lol) and I hope that someone here can help me!

Thanks for even taking the time to read my post guys!
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby pjhaan » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:58 pm

It would be done with satellites. Semerien have a video about how to do this. Check his you tube channel.
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby Rockman2DN » Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:14 pm

Thanks for the reply.

I actually have watched his video (and also the official disney ones as well), but I can't seem to get it to work. The issue I'm having is that I don't understand how/where to point the satellite so that it will carry over the exact number of lives I have to the counter in the second toy box.

I can do simple things like: pick up an item in toy box 1 and have it open a door in toy box 2, but again, this is something that seems to be beyond my comprehension.

I know I probably have no right to ask, but I was hoping for an idiot proof guide as I am pretty much the idiot in this situation lol.
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby pjhaan » Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:18 pm

I haven't had much luck with satellite receivers. I shall defer to the wisdom of others.
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby semerien » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:36 pm

Alright, so to track 5 lives between multiple toy boxes I would do the following. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing.
Also you have to build this exact logic into BOTH toy boxes.

It will involve 4 logic gates and a satellite receiver ( again in BOTH toy boxes)

LG #1:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn On:Station 1
LG#1:Input Blocked -> LG#2:Input
LG#2:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn On:Station 2
LG #2:Input Blocked ->LG#3:Input
LG #3:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn On:Station 3
LG#3:Input Blocked -> LG #4:Input
LG#4:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn On: Station 4
LG#4:Input Blocked -> Game Over

Satellite Receiver:Turned On:Station 1 -> LG#1:Close
Satellite Receiver:Turned On:Station 2 -> LG#2:Close
Satellite Receiver:Turned On:Station 3 -> LG#3:Close
Satellite Receiver:Turned On:Station 4 -> LG#4:Close

Victory Tracker:Player Defeated:Player 1 -> LG#1:Input

The Game Over signal is whatever you want to happen when they have run out of lives.

How this logic is working (in case your player life count changes), is every time the player dies the next satellite receiver station is turned on. So every time one of them turns on, It counts as a life being lost.
The satellite receiver turning on is adjusting your chain of logic gates to point at the NEXT satellite receiver station that will turn on if they player dies again.

When you switch between boxes each Satellite station that is already turned on will set the logic chain in the next box to still be pointing at the correct NEXT satellite station.

When logic gate #4 sends an input blocked statement, that means the player just lost their fifth life.

Now to automatically start challenge makers in both boxes, I have not really tested this. You could TRY using the auto-start option in the challenge maker in both boxes. Ever since the last patch, this option works even if you haven’t saved as a toy box game.

If this doesn’t work as hoped or you have more questions, feel free to ask.
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby semerien » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:53 pm

Now if you want to show the player a visible representation of how many lives they have left you can do the following.

Again you must do this logic in BOTH toy boxes. The logic gates listed below are the same logic gates as listed above.

Counter:Properties:Reset Count = 5

Level Starter:Catalyze->Counter:Reset

4 Time Delayers all set as follows

Time Delayer:Properties:Delay Time = 2
Time Delayer:Delay Completed -> Counter:Decrement: By 1

LG #1:Close -> Time Delayer#1:Start
LG#2:Close -> Time Delayer#2:Start
LG #3:Close -> Time Delayer#3:Start
LG #4:Close -> Time Delayer#4:Start
LG #4:Input Blocked -> Counter:Decrement: By 1
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby Rockman2DN » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:57 pm

Wow! Thanks for the quick and detailed reply! Your videos were the ones I watched to try and learn satellites, but admittedly I wasn't advanced enough to totally grasp what you were teaching. I've always been able to understand written text better than talking/videos (I guess I'm weird that way lol).

The logic you just laid out, does it take into account that I would like the lives to reset back to 5 when the player dies in the second box?

For example: you complete the first box with 2 lives -> the logic you load out allows those 2 lives to be the starting amount in the next box-> the player loses thier last 2 lives -> game over -> player retries the challenge in the second box -> do they start with 5 lives again or just the 2 that they entered the box with at the start?

If all your logic covered and explained that, then I apologize, it's a little tricky for me to understand. Also I don't see the counter involved in what you laid out at all. I know it's not really necessary when using the victory tracker, but I like to use it so that the player can get a visual count of thier lives counting down as the lose them.[EDIT: Just saw your second message! Thanks!]

Again, as I said if all of that is included there some how and I'm just missing it, I apologize.

To be honest, maybe I should wait until I get home to try it before I have any more questions as I am at work right now.

Thanks again, I am VERY appreciative of the help you've given me already!
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby semerien » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:09 pm

No your right, it didn't take into account starting again in the second box.

Just so I can understand better, if the player dies in the 2nd box and you want the challenge to start over... how are you accomplishing this? What's starting the challenge again?

I'll build something out that you just have to send an input to a logic gate from whatever you are starting the challenge over from (be it text, a button, whatever)

Please note I would NOT use the challenge maker:started to reset this logic. That's because you will be trying to auto start that challenge maker when they enter this toy box which would wipe out all the lives carried over.

LG #5:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn Off:Station 1
LG #5:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn Off:Station 2
LG #5:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn Off:Station 3
LG #5:Output -> Satellite Receiver:Turn Off:Station 4
LG #5:Output -> Counter:Reset

Satellite Receiver:Turned Off:Station 1 -> LG #1:Open
Satellite Receiver:Turned Off:Station 2 -> LG #2:Open
Satellite Receiver:Turned Off:Station 3 -> LG #3:Open
Satellite Receiver:Turned Off:Station 4 -> LG #4:Open

And no worries, this is a very friendly community and we all like to help out where we can. We just ask that you pass on the knowledge to the next gen.
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Re: Tracking "lives" through linked toy boxes...

Postby Rockman2DN » Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:19 pm

You guys are awesome!

Also, I was using the challenge maker:started. I guess I could use the a checkpoint placed at the start of the stage that could start the challenge over when logged? Unless you have a better idea. I would use a button but I want it to be as seamless as possible even after you die. I liked the "challenge maker: started" option because it was like a "player, ready?" type screen as it gave you a second to acclimate yourself before starting, but if you have a better solution I am 100% all for changing how I start it.
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