What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

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What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby Sarge85 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:27 pm

I wanted to create a two person challenge that was more or less a shooting gallery. However - it would seem that the "Targets" Creativ-toy only registers "Hit" - and if I attach that to a scoreboard - it will score a hit for whatever player I assign to register the score to, regardless if was Player 1 or Player 2 for the target. While that would work fine for a joint/team competition, it falls short for players going for best individual score.

Is there a creative workaround? - Using the Target specifically?

I was able to create a workaround, using the Victory Tracker, and one shot kills - to kill enemies, that register properly, but the use of multiple spawners eats up memory, and even with proper pathing - can get a little buggy.

Would appreciate any ideas/work-arounds.

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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby Mkruzer » Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:49 pm

You could separate the players, each with their own targets. But that would require duplicate targets and some sort of barrier keeping the players apart (i.e. Each player has their own shooting gallery).

Another thought might be to attach targets to colored blocks win a different color for each player so they know which ones to shoot at.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby Calysto » Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:35 pm

I think that assigning each player to a different team would work. Player 1 team blue, player 2 team orange. After that you should be able to score each player individually.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby Sarge85 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:42 pm

Yeah, that's kind of what I thought would have to have happen. Rather tedious, but doable I suppose.

FWIW, the other workaround I used was using the Collectible Tracker as well. Each time its destroyed, points scored. Interestingly enough, you have to link scoreboards for that to work.

That being said - Collectibles seem to eat up ALOT of memory in the world - so I'm still hoping there is something out there I haven't thought of yet.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby goofyspaceranger » Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:28 pm

Another factor is that the Target toy doesn't have the option to disable once it's hit. So ordinarily a player could just keep shooting at the same one over & over to collect more points.

Combining the excellent suggestions above, you could have the 2 players assigned to 2 colors, and have your targets mounted on Color-changing blocks. Have the Target's Hit event connected to a Logic Gate to toggle the block's color (& to toggle which team color gets points). For example, "Output" turns the block blue and adds a point to Blue Team. "Input blocked" turns the block green and adds a point to Green Team. Have the event of the block's color change then toggle the Logic Gate open/closed, so the next time it's hit, the other team gets the point. That encourages the players to keep running around. Certain Targets in hard-to-get places could award more points to encourage more movement. Combine that with some colored orbs with 2 Collectible Trackers, but that way you're not as dependent on the orbs & their adverse effect on the Toy Box Meter.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby Sarge85 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:57 pm

Can you have multiple Collectible Trackers in one Toy Box - I thought I read/viewed somewhere you could only have one. I like the idea of the combining color changing blocks with the targets that has been mentioned. - I could do something similar with some of the decorations that have Logic Connections of "When Collected/Destroyed" but aren't listed in the Collectible Tracker toys. --- Maybe tie them into the Replayer somehow, so they can "re-spawn" as well.

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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby kc2dpt » Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:50 pm

You can have multiple Collectable Trackers in one box. My daughter's working on a game where purple gems score you a point but green ones lose you 2 points. Each CT is set to one color gem, with each then sending a different message to the counter.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby kc2dpt » Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:58 pm

I was working on a game where player 1 stepping on a block changes it blue while player two stepping on the same block turns it green. Changing a block scores a point. I had a problem with one player simply jumping up and down - even though the color isn't changing, the "set to X color" event keeps getting fired. I solved the problem using two logic gates.

P1 hits the button -> P1 logic gate -> set block blue -> close P1 gate -> open P2 gate
P1 hits same button again -> logic gate blocked
P2 hits same button -> P2 logic gate -> set block green -> close P2 gate -> open P1 gate

Something like that. Very tedious to set up for multiple blocks. I'd like to see a way to differentiate between "send request to change color to blue" and "color changed from not-blue to blue". Or a way to query state instead of everything having to be event based.
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Re: What Logic would you use for this idea? Targets

Postby pjhaan » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:38 pm

You could do something similar with a "logic and" toy. Connect 2 "logic and"s to each block and hook the color for each player/team to the input. The complete action would increment the score and reset the "logic and" for the other team player.

I can try to write out the connections later if you want...
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