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Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:30 pm
by Gabo
I've got Disney Infinity 3.0 for the PS3 and I've found that some of the toy boxes that have won awards in the official contests that Disney organizes don't seem to work properly. For example, I downloaded Riley's Nightmare and the toy box opens and its just me controlling my character but I'm stuck in a closed box. In a you tube video I saw that the game should go into a cut scene and then the gameplay should start but this never happens. Is this a problem with the PS3 in general with some more complex toy boxes or with my specific PS3 or some way in which I'm loading the levels? Is there anything I can do?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:48 pm
by pjhaan
I have one featured box that falls into this category. The Memory Dump (Inside Out Challenge) I tested the living daylights out of it and never had any problems. As soon as it got to community content, several things broke.

I am a perfectionist so I spent a long time fixing the issues and resubmitted. I did even more testing the second time around and it still didn't work right on community content.

This was before I had an XBox One so it may be a system issue with my Wii U. But everything worked perfectly on the Wii U locally.

I don't think there is anything you can do other than get a PS4.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:48 am
by Elmo STM
It varies system to system but as a lot of the top 5 boxes are made on ps4 they will work best on that console. I haven't ran into issues playing them on Xbox one either so I think it's mostly the older consoles unfortunately that have these issues. This is due to ps4 and Xbox one having more memory capabilities.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:53 am
by Mkruzer
This has become a serious frustration for me on the Wii u. Most community content toyboxes just don't seem to work on my console. I'm now saving up to get a PS4.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:35 pm
by GermanBoldItalic
I had the exact same problem when I had a Wii U. I think the toy box capacity often exceeds the Wii U's memory which leads to nothing loading. I got a PS4 recently and now every toy box seems to work.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:58 pm
by Zurg
Yeah, i'm having the same issues. I'm a PS3 user too, but i'm thinking of switching to Xbone.

Re: Why do some (award winning) toy boxes not work properly?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:56 am
by Kelevra1987
I am a Ps4 User an i have nearly the same Problem, but in a different way.
When i build up some Toyboxes, they work fine on my local console.

If i share These boxes with friends, they ALWAYS get some ISSUES and everyone gets different ISSUES -.-

This really sucks. I created a whole Star Wars Story with Quests, Storyline, but if noone accept me can Play it...

The only Problem, which all friends have together are boxes, where i used the Challangemaker. The Challengermaker crashed 3 from my Boxes, so in the Future i won't use him any more and take instead some "Questgivers", made by conterxtbutton, Triggerarea...