Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination (For Me)

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Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination (For Me)

Postby FungManHin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:20 pm

***I updated the title to reflect the best possible combination of sales for me as in my situation, I preordered from Best Buy. So all calculations/combos is based on me still getting the Starter Pack and free character from Best Buy. This post is suppose to be a rough outline on what the total price would be for getting all the characters. Yall may be in the same situation or slightly different depending on where you preordered from so this can help guide you. This may not be THE best combination for everyone.***

I know we've all pre-ordered from different places. And upon recent discovering of the launch day sales from different retailers, we will all be scrambling to multiple places for the best prices. I did crunche the numbers real quick and found the following as the best combination (for me). This also I guess applies to those who preordered in store and not online.

$74.99 = Starter Pack + free individual character....Doesn't matter where as this would be the same price
$34.98 = Cars and Lone Ranger Playsets....Target sale (17.49 each), or if you can get it priced matched elsewhere like I'm going to at Best Buy
$44.98 = Villain + Sidekick Character 3 Pack....Toys R Us
$20.98 = 2 individual characters.....Toys R Us
$13.99 = Last individual character.....Toys R Us/Best Buy (Target has it for a $1 cheaper, but may not be worth the drive for $1)

For me, in Texas with sales tax (8.25%) using this combination roughly = $178.52 which is a huge difference from the rough $267.29 if I went with all from Best Buy, the $224.53 if all from Toys R Us, or the $226.15 if all from Target.

These figures do not include any accessories or Power Discs. However the best place would be Toys R Us for the Power Discs as they are buy on get one for $1. So to add 10 Power Disc Packs, again using Texas sales tax, it would roughly add an extra $32.47 to the total.

So I just thought I would lay it out like this so you guys could get an idea of the best possible combo you can do to get the cheapest price for the lot.

Good luck to everyone in finding what you're looking for on Sunday!!
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby SandyClaws » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:34 pm

Thanks FungMan, this is a good outline. I've calculated everything but how much everything would cost... I'm not too far from all so I may just bite the bullet.
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby Trexroarr » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:37 pm

This is very similar to my breakdown as well, except I'm getting the Starter Pack at GameStop so that I get the free figure and free Power Disc pack, Play Sets at Target and the rest at Toys R Us thanks to the BOGO 50% off sale.
68/101 Figures + 13/20 Play Sets + 151/169 Discs = 232/290 Total
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby SlyCoug » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:51 pm

Great outline. The only things that I would note is that some places have a free power disc pack with the pre order, which was already mentioned above, and that the last individual character may be good to get at TRU if someone want the crystal McQueen, as they could use the BOGO 1/2 off deal for those as well.

Your total price was really helpful for me, though, as I am trying to figure out how much everything will be. I just need amazon to price match Target on the playsets because I won't be able to make it out to the store on Sunday :(
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby FungManHin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:57 pm

@SlyCoug good point. I didn't even think of pairing the Crystal Lightening with the last available individual character. I also didn't mention the free power packs cause they don't factor into the total price in any way. Plus anyone who has pre-ordered already knows about them, and those that didn't pre-order can't take advantage of it anyway.
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby Trexroarr » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:01 pm

^ Not true. There is still time to pre-order so they can still take advantage of the free Power Disc Pack.
68/101 Figures + 13/20 Play Sets + 151/169 Discs = 232/290 Total
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby FungManHin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:05 pm

@Trexroarr yeah, I guess. But the main point of this post was for a price outline of everything to buy at launch figure/playset wise. And that free power disc pack with preorders does not affect the price in any way. :P
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby Tangled » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:07 pm

You should mention the 20% off coupon for TRU as well ... 2_Base.pdf
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Re: Best Buy/Target/Toys R Us Best Sales Combination

Postby RapturePanic » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:39 pm

^I was just about to mention this also. It shows the starter pack in the picture so...I assume we can use it. I would much rather get the starter pack for 60$ :mrgreen:
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