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Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:37 pm
by FungManHin
Did anyone preorder from Best Buy in store? I preordered a while back and upon checking out, they didn't ask me which free character I wanted. As I was being checked out, I brought this to the attention of the cashier and he said that no option came up for it, but he did acknowledge that I am suppose to get one. He told me that when it comes out that I'll probably be allowed to get it then.

Did this happen to anyone else? I just don't want to be without my free character. I preordered all the other playsets/characters/character packs that I wanted at the same time. I specifically didn't preorder Dash as I thought that this would be my free character.

Just wanted to hear/know what yalls experience was with instore preorder.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:10 pm
Did you get one of those preorder cards? I preordered at TRU and I have a preorder card and on the back it has instructions for the cashier about the free figure.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:05 pm
by FungManHin
I did get one of those cards. I still have it. The cashier, when checking me out even read it...I guess not good enough. I wonder if I can go back with the card/receipt and get it rectified. If they can't, I wonder if they can take the preorder I did for Violet and use that as the free character and just move the $5 I put down on her toward one of the playsets.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:47 pm
by D3spard
I preordered from BB online and it let me pick a figure for free.

Not sure why the clerk said wouldnt show, but if you go to the DI portion of the bestbuy website and print out where it says preorder to get a free figure you should be fine I would assume.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:42 am
by zerocool
I preordered from BB out here in LA and came up with the same issue. After about 20 min of digging around someone finally found the preorder cards and they pointed out that it says I have a "choice" of characters. However they did nothing to reserve the character I am after (mrs incredible). So here is hoping there is no issue. I put my $5 down and they told me to come back sunday with that receipt.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:03 am
by Shiftless Jungle Bum
^Same here in Burbank. Hoping they have Davy Jones. Kinda odd they didn't ask about which figure...

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:42 am
by Spleenzorio
I think that's the same everywhere, they wanna keep the figures on a first come first serve basis just as if you were buying them normally.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:54 am
by FungManHin
Yeah, I went into the store again with my receipt and explained the situation. The guy agreed with me and that I should've been able to select my free character. However, there wasn't a way to do it. It seems it really is a firat come first serve situation. He did say that he would hold my character for me as stock was already in the back. Also, he looked at the number of preorders and said I was like the only one to do one. I should be ok with him holding it for meand as long as I get there when the store opens.

Re: Best Buy In-Store preorder?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:39 am
by KyletheCartoonist
You guys should get Violet or Dash instead of Mrs. Incredible or Davy Jones, because Mrs. Incredible comes in a three-pack with Barbossa and Mike, and Davy Jones comes in a three pack with Randy and Syndrome.