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Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:05 pm
by Stitch
I was excited for the Finn and Luke powerdiscs, especially Finn since it would look like I am an actual stormtrooper (Which I would personally love to play as).
Unfortunately, neither Luke's X-Wing Pilot suit or Finn's stormtrooper suit have their head pieces. However, Leia's Bounty Hunter suit does? What is the point of having Finn's Stormtrooper suit without the iconic helmet? The same goes for Luke as well. It is just such a missed opportunity that would be so easy to implement@

Re: Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:58 pm
by Mickey&Maleficent
I think for costumes (and maybe even some figures without costumes) with helmets or masks you should be able to take them on and off. For example, you're playing as Finn with the Stormtrooper costume and press the left stick and he puts his helmet on. That's the way I want it be because some people would like to play with helmets/masks and some people wouldn't.

Re: Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:20 pm
by goofyspaceranger
The costume discs really make me think of the Disney Infinity platform as the stage for a virtual puppet show (with or without recordings ;) ). The developers have tough decisions on which costumes to make, based on the time to create the extra animations, and the incremental amount of extra space it takes on the game discs. I think they're a great plus for the platform.

In general I think it's best to see the characters' faces - more personable that way - but specifically regarding Finn, I do agree with @Stitch - the ability to play as a stormtrooper would be fun (perhaps with a little Team Activator assistance around others of the First Order ;) ).

Re: Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:02 pm
by BionicKoalaBoy
I was going to add a helmet to my mod when I got round to undertaking it. But a guy called Craig Barnes on twitter has already created one, and a Leia Boushh too. I think I might try It on his head though...

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Re: Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:37 pm
by pjhaan
Craig is a forum member as well and has posted a lot of his customs here.

Re: Finn and Luke costumes need head pieces!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:04 pm
by BionicKoalaBoy
Yeah cool. Just making a point about the helmet.

I'm gonna have to message him about the ammo on luke's leg, i've been scratching my chin about making that appear neat. So fiddly...