Ghost Gates & Terrain Filler

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Ghost Gates & Terrain Filler

Postby goofyspaceranger » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:28 pm

Forwarding a few requests from our P-Tech Toy Box Club session last night..
- Infinity should have characters who can walk through walls
- Infinity should have re-sizable walls

The ironic part is that the same club member who wants those re-sizable walls is also the one who wants characters to walk through them ;).

It made me think of an earlier post of a new Property on the Action Enforcer of Activation/Deactivation of a long-standing action, like the new Ghost & Hologram options. Maybe it's for the entire game, maybe you put it on a timer after a character collects/drinks a potion, makes a purchase from a Cast Member, etc. I just figure that for any animation investment that applies to every single character of the Infinity franchise, you should maximize the options for game mechanics & storytelling.

A Ghost version of a character could just "float" like the removed-from-base animation, a makeshift flyer that goes through all objects, including floors. Perhaps when not "flying", could walk/climb/jump normally as that Ghost character prefers. Triggers like Trigger Areas could still react to Ghosts, and could provide further game mechanic granularity with a "Ghost Gate" - like a Logic Gate, but a specialized version that knows whether the Triggering Player/1/2/3/4 is a ghost or not to drive different behavior.

Perhaps more generally this could be a "Character State Gate", and could additionally apply to invisible characters. Perhaps Invisibility should be added to the Action Enforcer as a more general-purpose Invisinator that could be triggered from anything in the Toy Box. The State Gate could have a Property of monitoring the Invisible instead of Ghosts, such that a Trigger Area or any other Toy Box Trigger could cause different results based on the player character's state.

As for re-sizing Terrain, that might be problematic with all of the texture/theme maps across specific blocks, but what if a resizable edit box (resembling the resizable Trigger Area) would fill that space with a collection of the best-fit Terrain of the current theme? What if a corresponding Block Filler would do the same for the current theme of Simple Blocks? This would be a nice usability feature to Toy Box Building.

Excelsior! 8-)
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Re: Ghost Gates & Terrain Filler

Postby KesselRunImports » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:06 pm

Walking through walls is an awesome idea. And if there is ever a possibility of the X-Men coming to DI this is a power that would have to addressed if Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) is part of the line up. The problem I see with it though is often, when making a toy box, there are areas you don't want a player to be able to enter and this character could go anywhere. Or walk through a wall right into empty space. Would be cool to have a character that could do it though.
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Re: Ghost Gates & Terrain Filler

Postby goofyspaceranger » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:18 pm

Good point! Perhaps there could be a game mechanics rule that the invisible barriers (including the scalable one) cannot be passed through, even by ghost characters. Then the game design would still be under your control, without creating any limitations on themed blocks/terrain 8-).
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