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The Visualized & Personalized Disney Infinity DB

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:47 pm
by goofyspaceranger
Online sales & advertisements moved to personalized recommendations long ago. Netflix, YouTube, and all others sorts of video streaming provide recommendations as to what you'd like to watch next.

As Disney Infinity becomes more & more as its own form of social media, what about personalized Toy Box recommendations? There has been a good commitment by the Disney Infinity Team regarding backwards compatibility, and the weekly challenges have continued to spur tons of new quality content.

Bandwidth notwithstanding, it would be cool for the Toy Box download menu to be transformed into a visual layout akin to Netflix or YouTube. The screenshot of each Toy Box shows a lot about that box. What if there were multiple scrollable lists of snapshots with their titles for the familiar categories of Recently Uploaded, Most Liked, Most Downloaded, perhaps this week's Top 5? What if there was a "channel" for every Toy Box Artist you follow? You could have your own selection of Toy Box Master Artists, combined with friends who you share/collaborate with.

And there could be a list of Toy Boxes that are personally recommended for you - based on all of the attributes of Toy Boxes you've liked in the past, with a little sprinkle of pixie dust data on how thousands liked other boxes. The back-end of the Community DB has the ability to gather all kinds of data from this cross-platform franchise - characters, sets of characters, themes, game genres, artists, special-abilities-used, etc.

This kind of visual menu would show the depth that the Community DB has after this many releases. It would open it up. It would be a competitive edge for Infinity, not just against toys-to-life, but other sandbox environments. It would showcase the variety of characters & themes, personalized for what each player likes. It would drive sales for both the platform & its "accessories". And it would be even more fun. 8-)

Re: The Visualized & Personalized Disney Infinity DB

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:23 pm
by StoryShtick
While we wait for that in Infinity 6.0, you (or someone equally motivated) could create threads here with recommend toy boxes by category or by topics such as "If you like the old Star Wars Expanded Universe..." I know that's not the same, but I'd use them. This would also be a good way to get people playing toy boxes that aren't featured but are still very good. And it would probably warrant it's own sub-forum so those threads stay easy to find.

Re: The Visualized & Personalized Disney Infinity DB

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:29 pm
by goofyspaceranger
I think their Community DB will become much improved longer before 6.0, but I share your optimism that there will be at least 6 releases ;).

No objections if anyone wants to sort out their own set of categories.