Earnings & Goals

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Earnings & Goals

Postby goofyspaceranger » Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:50 pm

Really surprised that Infinity missed its earning projections for the quarter :shock:. The Play Sets, Characters, Power Disc Bundles, Hub, Flynn's Arcade, El Capitan Theatre, new Creativi-Toys, everything... all awesome. And you can tell that for their producers, animators, & developers on social media that their product is much more than a way to make money. They have this great privilege to make a gaming platform that includes designing toy versions of the most popular Disney/Pixar/Marvel/Star Wars characters of the Walt Disney Company, and they know this. All of their sub-contracting has made the product better - the game mechanics are tighter, the Play Sets are more fun. The Toy Box is a marvel, and no other toys-to-life gaming platform even attempts to match it.

Without any real statistical data, I'll go out on a limb with a few anecdotes... nearly every time I go into a Toys R Us store, I meet another parent who isn't going to buy "another Skylanders game". I briefly describe the Toy Box, and they had no idea what that was. On the flip side, nearly every time we run a Toy Box Club pilot - at the library, at a high school, wherever, kids & parents both ask me, "Where do I buy this?"

This year, the White House is advocating video game design as a means to promote STEM education. It incorporates an announcement from Microsoft on a special educational version of Minecraft. I hope that this is the year that Disney Infinity shifts even a small fraction of its marketing toward the educational benefits of the Toy Box. It needs to be a goal for it to happen. And as a side-effect, if they choose to publicly compete in that space, I believe that they will compete better with the others toys-to-life products, because it will showcase the Toy Box as their differentiation. And if they transform the Community DB into the social media venue that it could be, that differentiation would be a lot easier for both parents & players to see.

My personal educational plans for Infinity have expanded a bit - now looking into a freely-downloadable app to extend our Toy Box Club Activity Kit with a quick Creativi-Toy reference 8-). At least initially, we'll just cover the subset with the blue holograms. With another tutorial Toy Box, I'll be able to cross-reference a tutorial video (& an in-game lab experience) for every one of them. It's going to be fun! I'd also like to redesign the PDF writeup of our Toy Box Club kit, but I need legal permission for that one :!:.

So this is a wish from this one Disney Infinity Fan for the Disney Infinity Team - go BIGGER, not smaller. You can change the world with your product. You can reach demographics that no one else can reach. You can extend the benefits you provided code.org into the immersive 3D space that is the Toy Box. You can help the education system turn the emotional walls confronting STEM Inside Out by inviting kids to play with virtual Disney toys. Magic. Release the Magic.
Use the Force in Holocron Heuristics to program with more Creativi-Toys!
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