No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

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No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Goofyboy » Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:16 pm

Hey guys,

I went to my store last weekend to pre-order the coming batch of figures and the playset. Nothing was available with the exception of Judy and Nick. Oh, and they did propose the 3-pack Avengers.

So, what's going on? Don't they want pre-orders on all those new figures coming? I was ready to go and pre-order the whole Marvel Crew, Baloo and anything else available.

PS: I'm in Canada, but that is not usually a problem. We get the same stuff as USA does.
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Elmo STM » Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:39 pm

I know a few people said that they could pre order in the U.S. But not sure which of the big stores.
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby MarvelWarrior » Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:40 pm

I'm in the us and was able to pre order battlegrounds black panther black costume spider man vision and antman last week at GameStop they also had the Disney guys up to order as well
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Hanzo » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:57 am

Is there some bonus to pre-ordering these? I know with the Battlegrounds set we got a free 2.0 character...

I am new to Infinity, is in normal to have to hunt newly released characters if you don't pre-order?
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Goofyboy » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:44 am

Well here, they are not available at EB Games, our GameStop.

And preordering is not necessary, but I get points for preordering with their gamers plan. Plus, I like not having to dig to get the figures on release day. They are usually easy enough to find, but with my luck, I usually end up running around for that missing one that they seem to hide when I get in the store.

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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Elmo STM » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:44 am

Generally all figures have been easy to find after they launch.
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby GuyCC75 » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:48 pm

Wouldn't it be hard to pre-order any of this stuff since they still refuse to acknowledge that these characters actually exist?
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Re: No pre-order available for Marvel stuff coming soon?

Postby Elmo STM » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:39 pm

@guycc75 the stores acknowledge them though
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