Where does DI go from here?

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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby Stu7005 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:38 pm

Exactly Megadrive the Cars characters can't climb or hold guns but I'm sure glad we got them. As the Collector in me I just want the great infinity style toy for my favourite Pixar and Disney Films like Lion King and Finding Nemo, and if we can get their own respective play sets whether they work in the toy box would be irrelevant to me.
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby Experiment626 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:46 am

I don't really have a preference as to content at this point. I do agree that any new characters will be bipedal mainly due to the gameplay mechanics behind quadrupeds/cephalopods/etc.

I would like to see them go into the realm of Playstation VR/Oculus Rift/HTC Vive/Steam VR, though. I think it would be really cool to even just have something like the Toybox Hub or the Halls of Heroes, perhaps INteriors as well?
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby JustNCredible » Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:50 pm

It seems like a lot of people don't just think KH won't make a big presence, as in a playset, but it actually seems like a majority of people here wouldn't like a KH playset. Which is ironic, seeing as I think it would be the smoothest way to get all Disney figures into a single playset; something everyone wants.

Really don't see a reason to actively not want a KH playset.
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby MightyGitis » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:01 am

@JustNCredible Because Kingdom Hearts is its own game and that's not what Disney Infinity does
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby Vidia » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:43 am

In fairness, a Kingdom Hearts playset could still work. Portal is it's own game, but the Portal level of Lego Dimensions was still one of my favourite bits of the game.
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby JustNCredible » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:14 am

Regardless, they're still a part of the Disney family. Kingdom Hearts used characters from other video games (final fantasy) and I don't recall it being a problem. There are numerous ways in which to give the playset it's own unique feel. Kingdom Hearts is already use to crafting various stories across multiple (almost every) platform. It could even work to their advantage if one chapter of the KH saga unfolds in DI, one that could allow the gameplay of all Disney Originals characters.

And to clarify, I'm not saying I think any of this will happen, or that I will be upset if it doesn't happen. Only that I think it is just as good an option as any for making a Disney Originals playset, in fact I would put heavy money that if Square helps craft the story for such a playset, it would probably be extremely original and awesome :p
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby Tilarta » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:29 am

I assume permission from Square Enix would be required to implement Kingdom Hearts content.
It is an intriguing idea, if Square Enix made a story and game for a playset.

But what characters could we have?
Sora is the main candidate, as he is the playable in KH.
I am uncertain if they would give us playable Kairi and Riku, the other main characters.

Donald Duck and Goofy were the teammates in KH, so there would have to be the option to let them into the playset.

Guest Teammates (from existing DI figures) were Jack Skellington, Mulan and Jack Sparrow, so they would need to be allowed in the playset as well, maybe through the coin system that was introduced in 2.0.
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby megadrive2 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:49 pm

Most you would get from Kingdom Hearts is a Sora figure, possibly an actual King Mickey figure and some assets for the Toybox. Basically enough content to work well as cross promotion for the next kingdom hearts game. I'm almost 100% sure there will never be a playset for that property.
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Re: Where does DI go from here?

Postby JustNCredible » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:07 pm

^I agree, we'll probable never see a KH playset on the grounds that it won't necessarily make Disney any more money outside of the playset in general. I just think it's a missed opportunity from a gameplay/story perspective. Even if King Mickey is the main character instead of Sora (which was done in KH Coded) I think it could open up some great possibilities for DI.

^^ I'd love to see Sora & an actual King Mickey with his own Keyblade, and possibly Riku and/or Kairi. My dream would be Cloud from KH 1 but no way that's gonna happen lol.
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