Disney Infinity Model Numbers

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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby megadrive2 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:05 pm

Thanks guys, i've updated the first post :)
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby Charlee » Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:36 pm

So I'm guessing the missing numbers are shelved discs and charcters.
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby Disneypinesfan » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:10 pm

Are these model codes on the power discs packs. If so will this help me get the power discs I want
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby Elmo STM » Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:26 pm

No, there's no way to tell by numbers on the power disc packs what's in them
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby Hanayuki » Thu May 14, 2015 11:50 am

I was wondering if someone could be awesome and add the missing power discs model number, especially for the Disney Originals series.

I'm in the process of doing a guide for a store, and they wanted the model numbers to help them differentiate all the discs (since the texture and skydome ones are sometime quite similar looking). I'm missing 18 of them and this list was a great help to achieve this. I would be very grateful if the wonderful people here that have all the discs could give me a hand. ;)
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby Elmo STM » Thu May 14, 2015 3:13 pm

I'll have a look later when I get a chance, but my buzz command shield has a different number to the one listed
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby PirateSteven » Fri May 15, 2015 1:20 am

I updated the original post with the missing figure model numbers.
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby sigil » Tue May 19, 2015 12:00 am

I updated the 2.0 Power Disc list with Originals

Disney Infinity 2 Power Discs

INF-4000101 - Stark Tech (Iron Man Texture)

INF-4000102 - Spider Streets (Spider-Man Texture)

INF-4000103 - World War Hulk (Hulk Texture)

INF-4000104 – Gravity Falls Forest(Texture)

INF-4000105 – Neverland(Peter Pan Texture)

INF-4000106 – Simba's Prideland(Lion King Texture)

INF-4000107 –

INF-4000108 – Calhoun's Command(Hero's Duty Texture)

INF-4000109 - Star-Lord's Galaxy (Star-Lord Texture)

INF-4000110 - Dinosaur World (Devil Dinosaur Texture)

INF-4000111 - Groot's Roots (Groot Texture)

INF-4000112 –Mulan's Contryside(Texture)

INF-4000113 – The Sands of Agrabah(Aladdin Texture)

INF-4000114 –

INF-4000115 –

INF-4000116 – A Small World(A Small World Texture)

INF-4000117 - View from the Suit (Iron Man Skydome)

INF-4000118 - Spider Sky (Spider-Man Skydome)

INF-4000119 - World War Hulk Sky (Hulk Skydome)

INF-4000120 – Gravity Falls Sky(Skydome)

INF-4000121 – Second Star to the Right(Peter Pan Skydome)

INF-4000122 – The King's Domain(Lion King Skydome)

INF-4000123 –

INF-4000124 – Cybug Swarm(Hero's Duty Skydome)

INF-4000125 - The Rip (Star-Lord Skydome)

INF-4000126 - Forgotten Skies (Devil Dinosaur Skydome)

INF-4000127 - Groot's View (Groot Skydome)

INF-4000128 – The Middle Kingdom(Mulan Skydome)

INF-4000129 –

INF-4000130 –

INF-4000131 –

INF-4000132 – Skys of the World(A Small World Skydome)

INF-4000133 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Containment Truck

INF-4000134 – Main Street Electric Parade Float

INF-4000135 – Mr. Toad's Motorcar

INF-4000136 – Le Maximum

INF-4000137 – Catepillar Ride Car

INF-4000138 – Eglantine's Motorcycle

INF-4000139 – Madame Medusa's Swampmobile

INF-4000140 - Hydra Motorcycle

INF-4000141 – Darkwing Duck's Ratcatcher

INF-4000142 –

INF-4000143 – USS Swinetrek

INF-4000144 –

INF-4000145 - Spider-Copter

INF-4000146 – Aerial Area Rug

INF-4000147 - Jack'O Lantern's Glider

INF-4000148 - Spider-Buggy

INF-4000149 – Skeletal Reindeer

INF-4000150 – Fantasyland Carousel Horse

INF-4000151 - Odin's Horse

INF-4000152 – Gus the Mule

INF-4000153 –

INF-4000154 – Darkwing Duck's Grappling Hook

INF-4000155 –

INF-4000156 - Ghost Rider's Chain Whip

INF-4000157 – Lew Zealand's Boomarang Fish

INF-4000158 – Sergeant Calhoun's Blaster

INF-4000159 –

INF-4000160 - Falcon's Wings

INF-4000161 – Mabel's Kittens for Fists

INF-4000162 – Jim Hawkins' Solar Board

INF-4000163 - Black Panther's Vibranium Knives

INF-4000164 - Cloak of Levitation

INF-4000165 – Aladdin's Magic Carpet

INF-4000166 – Honey Lemon's Ice Capsules

INF-4000167 – Jasmine's Palace View(Aladdin Skydome)

INF-3000168 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier Strike

INF-3000169 – Zeus' Thunderbolt

INF-3000170 – King Louie's Monkeys

INF-3000171 - Infinity Gauntlet

INF-3000172 –

INF-3000173 - Sorcerer Supreme

INF-3000174 – Maleficent's Spell Cast

INF-3000175 – Cheenabog's Spirit Cyclone

INF-3000176 – Team-Up: Captain Marvel

INF-3000177 - Team-Up: Iron Patriot

INF-3000178 - Team-Up: Ant-Man

INF-3000179 - Team-Up: White Tiger

INF-3000180 - Team-Up: Yondu

INF-3000181 - Team-Up: Winter Soldier

INF-3000182 - Stark Arc Reactor

INF-3000183 - Gamma Rays

INF-3000184 - Alien Symbiote

INF-3000185 – All For One

INF-3000186 – Sandy Claws

INF-3000187 – Glory Days

INF-3000188 – Cursed Pirate Gold

INF-3000189 - Sentinel of Liberty

INF-3000190 - The Immortal Iron Fist

INF-3000191 - Space Armor

INF-3000192 – Rags to Riches

INF-3000193 – Falcon Costume(besides changing costume, what does this do?)

INF-4000193 – Lola

INF-4000194 - Spider-Cycle

INF-4000195 - The Aven-Jet

INF-4000196 - Spider-Glider

Any mistakes are mine and Please correct them.
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Re: Disney Infinity Model Numbers

Postby megadrive2 » Tue May 19, 2015 11:19 am

^Many thanks, have updated the first post
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