Exclusive King Mickey Debate

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Exclusive King Mickey Debate

Postby Stitch » Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:58 am

I have wanted Kingdom Hearts in the game for a while now. Always thought a King mickey costume would be cool for sorcerer mickey, but that was before we knew of the classic mickey coming out. I saw the announcement and jumped out of my seat! I was smiling ear from ear. And then, BOOM! King Mickey is exclusive to D23. What? Timed Exclusive, fine, but FULL ON EXCLUSIVE? I would not be as disappointed if I didn't believe that this is only the beginning. Soon enough it could be exclusive figures. Oh, imagine the outrage at that.

I don't know whose idea this was, but I do not see how they thought it would make people happy. Sure, you made 5,000 people who were fortunate enough to attend D23 happy. But you made millions sad or even angry. I don't blame anyone for this, especially not John, he gets blamed for everything and he is only a spokesperson. I just want this changed, please do not make this exclusive. Some of us have been waiting for this for awhile.

I don't mean to be rude, I am simply requesting or pleading that Disney Infinity please let us have the power disc and not begin the path of exclusivity.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Elmo STM » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:06 am

Last d23 mickey was exclusive too
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Stitch » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:08 am

Not really. It had slight differences, that is it.
We still got the same in game content. With this, we are getting zero. Nada. Nothing.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Elmo STM » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:10 am

Yea I get what you're saying, nothing we can do unfortunately. I want it bad and want to know if it has a spot in the hall of heroes lol
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Stitch » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:13 am

Oh, if it has a spot then I will be very aggravated with Avalanche.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Doc Jump » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:19 am

It's a costume though.. they could easily make a variant figure for him later on like Spiderman, and it would still be fair for the D23 people, because the disc still would be exclusive.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Stitch » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:22 am

Yeah, I guess... But I already thought three mickey figures was overdoing it.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby Alice Kingsleigh » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:33 am

Yeah, I agree. It really stinks, for us who couldn't attend! I live in Scotland...there was no way I could ever attend! But I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan....and I bet a lot of those who received the disc have never played the series! And I really hope they don't do another Mickey figure....that would be going to the extreme.
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Re: My fears have come true...

Postby FelixBrownSLC » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:39 am

I think the best way to look at these things is like the exclusive giveaways they do at sporting events. Here in the states they have "bobble head day" at baseball games featuring star players. They give them to fans not only as a "thank you" for coming, but more importantly as an incentive to show up at all! They know this type of exclusive may be the deciding factor for someone thinking of attending or not
Anyway, that's my two cents
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