Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

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Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Cmdr Xym » Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:50 am

Thought I'd create a thread for the 5 of us stuck with outdated consoles (but everyone can still enjoy the post)...

Generally speaking, the 3.0 version is less problematic than its predecessor. I've had very few major issues so far and the playsets are a vast improvement over 2.0's. Farming is a great addition, as well as Toy Box Takeover, and the new Hub area does a much better job of explaining how the game works. We also got one of the greatest of Creativi-toys in 3.0: the Path Creator, plus nice upgrades to older toys.

Unfortunately, as someone else has pointed out, the game is built upon a faulty foundation and issues that existed since 1.0 still occur. Several things have been addressed, others have been ignored...

BASIC OBSERVATIONS (Could apply to all platforms)
Text Creator: The number one reason I stopped playing 2.0 was because this thing simply would not work. And in 3.0, nothing has will not connect to the Disney server, unless I use a workaround. No one has seemed to be willing or able to offer a solution. Along with that, I also cannot enter Flynn's Arcade or the main theater of El Capitan...I'm guessing the reason is related to the Text Creator (hint: it's on their end).

INteriors: Or as they should be called, INferiors. Other than the fact that you can make pretty rooms, I still don't really see the point of this feature. Is there a reason we couldn't just have interior décor for regular ToyBoxes instead of segregating them? Are we really expected to use interiors in conjunction with ToyBoxes when many toys don't function there? Many people have had problems with their interiors crashing or disappearing entirely (even in this wasn't even addressed in 3.0 it would seem). At least you can dim the lights inside now...sort of.

The Hub: A little glitchy in places...crops showing up in weird places, sidekicks wandering off instead of planting, etc. It would've been nice if the game explained that you could build farms in the ToyBox instead of using the Hub plots that don't always work right (5000 sparks per plot?!?).

Townspeople/NPCs: I've ranted about this before, but seriously, their default behavior should be "Stand Still". File this under "Bad Design Choice".

Sidekicks: While the feature itself is great, some of the choices seem really random. We get the Muppets, but no Piggy. We get Pooh and Tigger, but no Eeyore (my family was not happy about this). Instead we get sidekicks like Flynt (really?). Also, no Maleficent or SW sidekicks (except Younglings).

Gifts and Trivia: Another fun feature...until the 50th time you've been asked what color Pooh's balloon is, or told that Kashyyyk is the Wookie planet, or you get nothing but sparks, or there's still 5 sidekicks you can't get. At some point, the game should realize you're missing stuff and not force you to wander around the Hub or your MyINterior for an hour and get nothing. Also, pretty tired of Snow White's stupid animal friends getting lost. Also file under "Bad Design Choice".

Driving and Timed Challenges: Have and always will hate them. Especially when they prevent me from unlocking toys.

Hub-Only Pieces: There are four items near the cottage in the hub that are not available in the ToyBox: the fish pool, the pond, the tree swing, and the picnic. Are we not getting these?

Power Discs: Shouldn't there be more of these? Does the fact they're not blind-bagged not make them profitable anymore?

Star Wars toys: Related to power discs, I could make a very long, separate list about what SW things are missing (no Coruscant or Naboo sky?).

TOY-SPECIFIC ISSUES (None of these have been mentioned before, could be unique to 360)
Vehicle Summoner: Will not recognize the Astro Blasters Space Cruiser power disc. I've gotten it to spawn other vehicles (Hook's Ship, Mr. Toad's Car), but it doesn't even see the Cruiser.

Tatooine Terrain 1: Once it's been placed, you can't move it at all with the wand. If you retheme it (as Fantasy Terrain 1, for example), then you can move it.

Tatooine Terrain 2: The preview picture in the ribbon doesn't match the actual item...not even close.

Chief Chirpa and Logray: I don't have ROTE yet, but in the Toy Store, these two are identical. The actual characters should look nothing alike.

I'm sure I'll find more later, but for now please feel free to discuss...thanks!
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Maserati777 » Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:44 pm

I think my biggest problem so far has been with freezing.

Currently I can't enter Plotting for Plants, it freezes everytime I enter it. I also can't leave plants during a save if I have 10 plots, this is true for any toy box or the plotting for plants. For some reason when you enter any toy box it actually builds each terrain piece, to be honest I hate this feature in general, then adds all the plants at once, this usually freezes the game. Luckily I unlocked the super plant plot and the pot in a toy box so I don't really need to go back to plotting for plants.

There's also lots of sound issues, usually sound effects are late, when your character is spawned in the spawning sound goes for about 10 seconds after they appear and are running around.

I think the worst thing though is not being able to use some of the power discs in the hub, specifically the vehicles and weapons.
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Cmdr Xym » Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:35 am

Haven't really had problems with freezing or with Plotting for Plants (thankfully).

Sound issues have been part of the game since 1.0.

It's probably a good thing you can't use discs (or the magic wand) in the Hub. They would probably cause it to be unstable. Not sure why you'd want use discs there anyway.
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Darkmudkip » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:18 pm

El Captain Theatre freezes every time when i visit
Let the storm rage on

Sorry for my bad English
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby digeek1955 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:32 am

When I get 3.0 I want to check out these bugs for myself. That stinks!
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Maserati777 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:32 am

Not sure if mentioned but can't use 2 round power discs at once from 1.0. If you place two it reads both then the character goes invisible as though you removed it from the base.
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Hopeless » Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:16 am

Which two?

I've been using a variety of 1.0 rounded power discs with no problems admittedly I don't use two of the same at the same time.

A little annoyed you can't use team up discs in the Hub and would like to be able to change the theme tune in the Hub but will check the other section which might have already dealt with that problem.
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Maserati777 » Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:11 am

I was playing the Twilight playset today. I'm at the part where you are supposed to fight ships before landing on Naboo. Somehow I landed on Naboo without fighting any ships.

However the game went crazy, you could see the ships but they were surrounded by black boxes in the animation, then my character was falling though space and landed inside the roof. I was able to run throughout the building on Naboo and even hacked a door. I did glitch into a wall at one point. But I had no idea what to do. When I quit the vulture mission the game took me back to space automatically. After that I found the ships and fought them and landed again and found Jar Jar and villains.

update: Just completed the Twilight playset story mode. Unfortunately after Jar Jar there was no more dialogue. So during the Darth Maul fight and the cutscenes I had to read lips. Looks like I'll have to watch some youtube playthroughs to find out was Darth Maul and Yoda and the lady at the end were saying.
Also no sound effects for light sabers or crashes. Just the music was playing.

Absolutely terrible glitch, to be honest. I'd say this playset was on par with 1.0 playsets in terms of design, gameplay, Darth Maul was a great villain. I found him easiest to destroy with Sabine or Ezra as they had guns.

There was also a weird thing where Yoda's face was next to Anakins healthbar. And it said I took ownership of Zeb twice.

Also one of the red laser walls was non passible in the middle.

But the lack of dialogue at the end really ruined the ending to the playset. I'd say if this playset worked properly I'd give it an A+ but the sound problems brings it down to a B.
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Re: Xbox 360 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition bugs and issues

Postby Maserati777 » Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:08 am

Thought I'd list the glitches in Toy Box Takeover I've found, just finished it.

I started playing the game a few days ago and it worked fine, usually these games glitch at the end. I finished the last couple levels and went though the entire Syndrome tower up until he appeared. Unfortunately this is when the camera froze, not the game but the camera and buttons. I was watching Syndrome standing there, like when you leave a character standing. I had to turn the 360 off and back on. I also noticed some muted talking before the freeze. When I came back I had to replay the whole level again. I originally played it on hard but decided to just do easy to get through the beginning. Not terrible since I unlocked more chests.

I just have to note I used Elsa on the hard mode and she only died once, I used to think she wasn't that strong but was pleasantly surprised. Another note is when the cloud came on I'd substitute Mike as a scapegoat lol.

Anyways I got to the volcano and it seemed fine, then I tried changing characters inside at the bottom and somehow the camera flew back outside the volcano, the character I changed to died because the lava was refilling then I switched characters again and somehow glitched through the wall with the key. I don't know what happened here. The camera went crazy here, everything was transparent and the camera would only show the outside of the volcano.

Some other glitches I noticed was in the Syndrome tower level I spawned in Randy and the camera got real close to him, like closer then regular camera distance. It went back out after I changed characters.

Another note is I had to use Baymax to hover after getting the key in the volcano to get to the lock, I couldn't jump to the ledge, hovering over from the top of the volcano was the only way over.
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