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Light FX webcode card question

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:19 am
by Supreme Leader Snoke
I have the regular characters and entered the webcodes for use with my iPad. I also have the Light FX version, and I'm wondering if the digital version is exactly the same or not? If I don't need to use the webcode cards, I'd prefer to keep the Light FX characters in their boxes unopened.

Is there any need to open them to access the webcode card, or is it just the same as the regular character?

Re: Light FX webcode card question

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:24 am
by Mickey&Maleficent
The web codes are for the same characters as the normal versions. In the game there's no difference between light fx and normal characters.

Re: Light FX webcode card question

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:27 am
by Supreme Leader Snoke

Re: Light FX webcode card question

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:11 am
by TheANvil
In the Hall of Galactic Heroes, the Light FX figures give you a lightsabre icon beneath the characters' hologram. I don't have the PC version so I don't know, but that would possibly be the only difference between the two.