What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby CCRunner524 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:08 pm

@thebaroness89 I wish more people would take advantage of the other collectables. Everyone always uses orbs because they are easier and can respawn. There are so many in decorations that if used right would be awesome. It just takes more work to use them, because you have to physically connect each one to the counters. I hope in 3.0 to have the ability to respawn other collectables.

@JaysUsername I wish we just simply had more room or things took less space to load. My current project is fairly big but all the detail i added made it smaller than I wanted. The thing that makes erdadi's toyboxes so special is the amount of care and detail they put into. Those to me become more memorable. I wouldn't mind doing it that way but people just hate the load times. Also i think that the only way we can 'the public' is to start building toyboxes in this manner. Maybe as people start trying this method out we can find an effective way to do so.

@Infinityfan Do you find constant Text Proposal's annoying? Because I am starting to. It's one thing to have one at the start but I don't want to have to push a button every time a line comes up.
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby rogpalmeruk » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:18 pm

I tried using other collectibles like a pumpkin in my Cinderella challenge which I agree was much more fun than an orb :-)
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby JaysUsername » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:27 pm

The text is such a challenge for me. In my stark box I really tried to have the text pop up as you played but I can't help but think while you are fighting you are missing the story.

For proposals, I try to use them for 'unmissable dialog' such as objectives, directions or major plot points. Everything else I'm torn between banner and middle.

@baroness89, I see what you are saying with the cities...I loved the random fires in incredibles. Your toyboxes are always so detailed, the only other thing I would suggest is simpler city-->logic-->then details. I'm sure all of us would trade some detail for a big playground. Incredible was pretty simple as far as decor goes.

I wholeheartedly agree...other items as collectibles would be great.

@ccrunner, I really think avoiding load times is tricky...I know some people are vocal against them but if you can provide several detail rich toyboxes it should be a worthy tradeoff....look at erdadi's Disneyland Paris box. Each section loads and its worth it. I think the dislike is more for 2 minutes of loading for a 3 minute interior.

One other thing I'd like to add is the 2D sidescroller.... Lots of opportunity there.
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby Vasuri83 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:55 pm

I personally like longer story boxes (hence the reason we make them) Mini games are great, but I prefer something more to keep my interest. I understand that people don't always have the time for an hour long adventure, though. I am really hoping they give us a "save" feature within the toy box in 3.0.

I agree that having proposal text pop up every other second is annoying, but I don't really see a problem with the other kinds of text. Coming from 1.0 it was so hard to explain to people what to do, and now we can. Why not utilize it?
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby jkhouw1 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:06 pm

*Clear concise text giving a story and objective.
*Some battle but not just excessive wave after wave. I think it should be fun for someone with a level 10 character who didn't use a spark chamber, not just for level 20 characters
*Large detailed maps
*Clear objective path - i don't like wandering aimlessly
*Creative ideas - new ways of using cameras, collectibles, unexpected use of any creativi-toys - examples like camera use on toads ride, @semeriens use of the fairy as a 'playable' character, @semerien's independent health bar - (i liked the idea of trying something new - admittedly i didn't finish the mission because I got tired of looking for all 10 parts lol while running back to recharge)
*timed challenges - adds the pressure
*Length: >10 minutes (just because I hate waiting 2 minutes for a level to load and then finish it in the same amount of time - think Exploration Survival Mode - too much loading, not enough new content)

Things I don't like
*Excessive Text - its a tough call how much is too much. I wish they had a better way of creating flow - like a text creator that just had a continue button (without the cancel), or you could change the accept/cancel text labels.. Or text to speech - that would be awesome- even if it didn't fit with the character's voice, it would make it so you didn't need to read what was on the screen.

*Excessive load times - if you require multiple toyboxes to get it all in thats one thing, but i've seen too many that have 4-5 levels that could have easily been in one level just move the parts of the map apart and teleport the players or something
*Excessive enemy battles: I don't mean too many battles, I'm fine battling the entire time, just not one section of 50 boss enemies because you couldn't think of something else hard for the player to do. This wouldn't pass the level 10 character test.
*not having checkpoints - unless the its definitively part of the challenge, I prefer to not have to start all over again. Especially if you violated any of the above points.
*Trigger areas that should only fire once, but are too easily and often tripped again and again through normal gameplay.
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby semerien » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:07 pm

I like seeing two things: A beautifully decorated toybox or one with some incredible use of the creativi-toys.

I like seeing the beautiful toyboxes because I can't make them. I am not an artistic type, if I drew a sketch of a dog, 9 out of 10 people would not guess that it was a dog. Some of the details and designs alot of you great toybox artists come up with are just inspiring. It pushes me to try a little harder, which is why half of my time is spent on trying to 'beautify' my toy boxes.

I like seeing some really cool uses of the creativi-toys because that is what I enjoy so much in the toybox. I love seeing what we can make work with those toys. I also love trying to figure out how other artists made certain things happen. The movie theater scene in Erdadi's Lion King box, the entire time my brain was trying to solve what logic they must have used to make certain things happen. It was a great box.

I also like enough of a story line to understand the direction that the toy box artist had in mind when designing but I don't want to be swamped with the story.

I think this is a great thread as a lot of us are curious as to what people like about our boxes and what people don't like about our boxes.
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby Sonicphoto » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:06 pm

Agreed Semerien, I also like seeing well decorated toy boxes. They were some really nicely decorated Cinderella boxes that pretty much delivered a lot in presentation. I think that even if the gameplay is simple or same old, if the presentation is there or a solid story, it will cause a great impression. Your Godmother was nicely decorated too semerien so don't say you can't lol.
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby King of tunas » Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:38 am

I really enjoy playing and building racetracks in the toy box, and I also really enjoy the short mini game toy boxes with leader boards because its always fun trying to get the best score/time so I think I would like to see more of those.
That doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good story/adventure though :)
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Re: What do you want to see from the community toyboxes?

Postby CCRunner524 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:45 pm

I know some of you like longer toyboxes and some like shorter ones. I just finished my Asgard challenge what I'm trying a 'playset' feel. I ran through it and knowing what to do and where everything is, it took me around 45 mins. It has dialogue but I trimmed it as much as possible. I am anxious to how it is received. I am hoping there is no upload problems or interior glitch problems. :?
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