FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

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FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

Postby FlameChampion267 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:44 am

Hey just hoping to get some feedback on my finished designs (currently 1)

Summer at Olympus Coliseum 2.0
Originally designed as a replica of the Kiingdom Hearts world of the same name, I wanted to capture that feeling of pushing ones combat skills to the limit. At first it was planned to be multiplayer but I kept running into random glitches that only happened with 2 or more people, glitches that simply should not have existed, so it eventually went solo. I had started the project shortly after getting the game back in November, but worked on it sparsley, as I have little time with my responsibilities.
Now that it's all done I wanted is two things
- To get feedback on what I did right, and more importantly what I did wrong. I have plans for 3.0 and I'd like to learn from my mistakes.
- And most importantly, I wanted people to have a fun way to level up characters, more than just spark generators or spawning mass groups of enemies. Each cup is designed with a different challenge and the the bonus matches, I feel are a great challenge for even high level characters.

Upcoming 3.0 projects
- Seige of Corona
- Olympus Coliseum: Final Mix
- The Glass Maze
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Re: FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

Postby thebaroness89 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:41 am

I played your toybox
First: too many hub boxes. You have the outside of the Arena and then you have the inside with phil. Consolidate the 2 into 1...you had the memory for it.
Second: challenge cups 2,3 and 4 glitched halfway thru and stopped spawning enemies. Don't know why exactly..might be a bad generator or you needed a logic gate somewhere.
Third: Vary the challenges. Straight fighting for each and every challenge cup just got repetitive. I never played KH but as far as Infinity goes you have to shake things up. At least vary the arena design.

All the text thru out was well done.
Enemy selection was great.
the design of the first box looked great.
the idea for the locker room hub and the trophies for each cup appearing after each was great.

Overall it was a solid box, just needed to have someone test it for you so you could see the box from a neutral point of view.
3.0 apparently has toys that are going to make box creation easier so just practice the aesthetic part of creating. Don't leave a lot of empty areas, at minimum throw in some trees or small decorations.
You are off to a better start than I was. My first toybox is putrid.
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Re: FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

Postby FlameChampion267 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:48 pm

@thebaroness89 thanks for the feedback, kicking myself for not thinking about the hubs, I started before I knew about the barrier block, now it seems so simple. I'm sorry to hear about the spawning issue, had problems with it during testing and thought it was fixed. I had friend download it and he had the glitch occur in the Phil Cup but couldn't figure out what was causing it, later he deleted/redownloaded and the glitch was nowhere to be found, did it happen to you everytime? Thank you for your kind words.

Love to hear if anyone else had issues with the toybox, keep the feedback going.
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Re: FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

Postby thebaroness89 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:48 pm

For every action whether its spawning enemies or firing off text put an inbetween. If you only want a one time action use the dual action trigger. If you need an repeated then insert a logic gate. Even the smallest event for some reason is much more reliable if one of those 2 toys is involved.
As far as the challenge cups- the second and 3rd glitched Everytime right around halfway. The first challenge cup glitched twice and then worked on the 3rd try. The 4th one was fine if I recall correctly. On each occasion I just aborted the challenge and then went back to the locker room and started over. Oh and remember- when you go to a box thru a door you bring the memory of the last box with you. So each box is really only safe at around middle memory meter. I have heard though this has been resolved for 3.0
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Re: FlameChampion267 - Feedback Appreciated

Postby FlameChampion267 » Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:29 pm

I have been thinking about it and I'm going to put off working on Olympus until 3.0, hopefully some of the new tools will work in my favor. Going to go ahead and reserve the title Olympus Coliseum Final Mix.
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