4.0 where does the theme go from here?

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4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby MonkeyDLenny » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:34 am

We've got Marvel, and now we have Star Wars. So what unifying theme could link the game together?

I know JV has really been pushing for Darkwing and the polls have DW and Mabel in the lead. I think the next one could be based on the Disney animated series', with play sets for Rouge One, and another Marvel set

I know everyone is theorizing about Kingdom Hearts now that we have the Keyblade and King Mickey, and while I love KH, I'm not sure that would ever be a playset. If anything Sora as a toy box char and discs for Donald and a future Goofy fig.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby 80sDuckFan » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:01 am

Who says that there will even be a theme? Personally, I feel that they are very limiting. Star Wars and Marvel are fine, but because of themes, we got more than really necessary and made actual Disney content small.

I feel content should be distributed more evenly among the "universes" and not having a central theme would encourage that.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby Skellington0327 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:05 am

Star Wars is supposed to be the last big themed thing for Infinity. I'm hoping 4.0 and beyond just focus on giving us awesome figures and playsets of things we want and doesn't try to focus on a certain theme. Themes do limit what they give us because they have to focus on that theme
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby Boy Wonder » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:07 am

I am excited about 4.0 not having any kind of theme at all. It will be a great opportunity to showcase different properties, and add to the anticipation of what the next playset will be. Sure, we are going to be able to anticipate some of them based on upcoming movies (ie. Finding Dory), it a good time to slip in a playset based on Disney animated television (ie. Gravity Falls) or a playset for the classic Disney fans (ie. Peter Pan). Part of the magic of Infinity 1.0 was the incredible variety of properties. I don't really want any theme at all...unless it's Muppets. I want lots of Muppets.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby Skellington0327 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:31 am

I don't want a Muppets theme, but I'll take a muppets playset and an Animal figure. We don't need a Muppets theme to get Muppets. We didn't need a marvel or Star Wars theme either, but I guess they wanted to get the major stuff of those properties out at once. Plus the Marvel/Star Wars appeal would get more people interested in Infinity.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby BandAid » Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:08 am

I hear what you all are sayong about themes being limiting. But how about a Disney parks theme? Errybody's invited to that club.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby rogpalmeruk » Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:28 am

i think it'll be just 4.0, as even 3.0 hasn't had that big overall theme like we saw with 2.0... yeah star wars is dominating, but its not like 2.0
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby armadafromoz » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:02 pm

While itd be cool to see a CLASSICS theme, or TV SHOWS theme, i think from 4.0 onward its in the games best interest to have

1 marvel playset
1 sw playset
1 pixar playset
1 disney animated playset
1 disney tv show/classic movie playset?

Now that star wars is out of the way, they have their big franchises covered, so having that sort of variety each year in the coming years would mean they wouldnt crash and burn like they did with 2.0 and the ridiculous idea to focus solely on marvel. It hurt their brand, they know it, theyre making some changes for 3.0 to reflect it, but 4.0 hitting with 5 different types would be the way forward.
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Re: 4.0 where does the theme go from here?

Postby wherestron » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:43 pm

Every edition will need a focus. If you try to appeal to everyone, you end up appealing to nobody. So, next year's theme is up for grabs. I'm hoping it's not Kingdom Hearts, but honestly I think it's possible. There are 25
Million copies of KH 2 in circulation, and I suspect KH3 will do even better as they take it from being niche Anime and make it more mainstream by including major franchises like Bh6.

They could go with "Heroes" or something similar, but I doubt they will go with Classics to lead.

Water and Quadrupeds are possibilities for 4.0, so it may be they do something around that.

One thing is for sure though, I think they will have much more than 5 play sets - probably more like 7-10. As it stands currently, 3.0 is getting more than 5 so I can't see them doing less when all the major franchises are covered.
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