Figure Ownership Explained

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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby XRayLexx » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:47 pm

Okay, here's my situation. I have Disney Infinity 3.0 and a bunch of 1.0,2.0 and 3.0 figures registered to DI 3.0 on my XBox which is linked to my Disney ID.

Recently I've got 2.0 on my XBox One which is also linked to the same Disney ID, when I place the figures into the game it asks me if I want to take Ownership or play as a Guest? Which one do I choose if I want the figure to retain the 3.0 level in 2.0 and also transfer any 2.0 levelling up back into 3.0?

Even though I am playing on the same XBox One, with the same Gamertag, linked to the same Disney ID when I use the character in 2.0 and 3.0 the levelling differs in each game and any progress made in one doesn't seem to snyc into the other version . HELP!
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby airborne6176 » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:38 am

First posting; Thanks for the GREAT explanation Ace!
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby XRayLexx » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:49 am

I've read the first post and it seems no matter if I share ownership or guest play levelling is not transferred between 3.0 and 2.0 and vice versa
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby Goofyboy » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:07 pm

This is what I think, for the transfer from 2 to 3 and vice versa. Keep in mind, this is only MY OPINION.

The first time you get your 2.0 characters in 3.0, it asks you to share or be a guest. You choose. If Share is chosen, it copies over all the data to the 3.0 save. But from this point on, the 2.0 save and the 3.0 save are separate. It won't be a back and forth thing.

Play as guest actually saves the data to the figure so, I think, no matter where you play it, it will save the data to the figure itself, but they will never unlock in your console's account (collection and unlocks for the figure in the toybox).

We solved the issue at home by playing everything in the same account. The only time we log in another account is for a second player. The second player basically plays on the first player's save data. I know its not ideal for most, but it works quite well for us because my girlfriend plays almost exclusively as a second player.
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby XRayLexx » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:12 pm

The problem I have is that I'm using the same gamertag, same Disney account on the same Xbox. It's still saying the figures are owned by someone else (me). Do I choose guest or share?
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby Miked » Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:12 am

Ok so first post here, new to infinity, got it for me and my daughter. Today her cousin came over and they wanted to play, I use 360 and have 3.0. I created him a profile as player 1 and loaded her on hers as player 2. When the game started it was from the opening sequence and once in the hub it was all white. I thought great it's all new and I won't have to worry what characters they use. First post says new profiles can claim ownership since it's a new profile it will start the chatacter over at 0. But every character he used was at the level I had them at?? I'm lost do I need to rest the character for every profile in the menu before a new profile uses them for the first time as if it was a used character from GameStop?? Just don't want to reset and loss my level ups with the characters. Any help would be appreciated
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Re: Figure Ownership Explained

Postby rogueprince718 » Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:56 pm

Okay, so I finally ended up getting DI 3 for the Wii U this week (after the PC version kept crashing on me) and I started it up for the first time yesterday, put one of my figures on the base, selected "Share Ownership", and when the figure came up, it was at level 0, not the level it was supposed to be at. I quickly went back to DI 2 to see if I could recover the correct data, and found it was already there, the right level, skill tree, etc., which means the data is still on the figure, but the new game won't read it? Is there a fix to this? Should I have chosen "Guest"? I REALLY don't want to start my figures over from scratch. How do I get the new game to recognize the correct experience level and skill tree? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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