Many usage questions from a new user.

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Many usage questions from a new user.

Postby SethAten » Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:42 pm

So I just got an original 1.0 playset with Sully, Mr. Incredible, and Jack Sparrow. Now, as I go through this I'm starting to feel quite ripped off, so if anyone can tell me these things are glitches that would be great.

First off, it seems support for 1.0 has been cut off, and that I will still need to pay full price for the 3.0 game in order to play with all the cloud saves, other toyboxes etc(on the XBOX anyway), though at least I may only need to look for the game disk, not the whole kit/new pad?
It would seem that "cross platform" play is a joke at best. Each platform operates independently of each other, requiring that I buy a character on each platform to play, and then stores level also independently. And toys that are unlocked are also independent. So much for the idea of starting a playset on the XBOX, and finishing it on the iPad or PC.
Not even the Freemium apps, (iPad and PC) sync character purchases, so a character bought on the iPad must also be bought on PC. And only physical characters work on XBOX.
Even the INterior (player house I guess?) is independent across platforms, requiring me to edit it on each system.
I will need to buy each game to access all the missions? So since I have a Stich or Marvel character, I also need to consider getting a deal on 2.0, because 3.0 doesn't have it?

In all it would seem that this half off "steal" I got for the game was a gateway to something much more nefarious and an empty wallet if I continue.

Angry geek
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Re: Many usage questions from a new user.

Postby thebaroness89 » Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:44 pm

Not really sure what you are asking but...
If you pop in 1.0 that entire list of toyboxes from the various artists are available to download and you also have 6 playsets to enjoy. 3 that came with the starter pack.
Figures work for all home consoles but for PC and mobile devices you do need the digital figures.
Is your wallet destined to be emptied...yes and no. If you absolutely need every figure and every power disc like me then yes. If you are fine with just enough figures to play the playsets then you're fine. Especially since 1.0 figures routinely sell for as low as a dollar...except for Syndrome.
You don't absolutely need 3.0 at the moment unless you want to start building elaborate toy boxes or you are a Star Wars nut like me.
You will need patience's a long journey with Infinity.
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Re: Many usage questions from a new user.

Postby Elmo STM » Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:23 pm

There is no cross platform play, you can however play toy boxes created on any platform though.

If you do upgrade to 3.0 on the same console you're on (Xbox 360?) then you will only need the disc and not the base as your base will work.

Support for 1.0 does seem to be dead but I'm sure people here will be able to help with any questions you have.

You can use any figure like your stitch etc in the speedway or takeover in 3.0 or the toybox. But you can't use them in your current version of the game.

There are plenty of deals to be had so that can help the wallet too ;)
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