Cannot include characters because "reasons".

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Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby craigbarnes88 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:00 am

First up a disclaimer, I do not intend for this to be a wish list topic.
I will also say, I don't watch phineas and Ferb, or gravity falls. But from these forums I know a lot of people want these characters.
I know they haven't been included as of yet, well only Ferb in the first example.
And it's argued that they wouldn't be popular enough to merit the development of a character, and release of a figure.
Now I'll be honest, I no longer understand this reason whatsoever when both franchises recently received a full fledged Nintendo 3ds game each.
Meaning Disney has pumped enough money into developing an entire game based on each franchise.
I'm pretty certain producing an entirely new game, even on the platform that would be cheapest to develop for, surely is more of a risky move, than simply developing a few characters and figures for a game that already exists and is making enough money on its own.
From what I've seen about gravity falls, it seems like some people would buy the figures just to own the figures, without even owning Disney infinity.
I honestly think they could make as much money off of these figures as they could expect to get from releasing a whole new game.
Now from my personal wants in Disney infinity, I'm not too bothered, I will admit there are characters I feel merit inclusion first. But from all the fans I've seen asking, and the promotion lately of this new game, it really does make me wonder why they can't just throw them in. It's only gonna make money, not lose it.
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby Sheriff Woody » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:33 am

every figure needs to be coded into the game and at the present time space on the disc is limited. maybe if they head down the "internet connection required" route, then lots more figures would be an option.
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby Romulus77 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:12 am

Ferb has been said to be because of slot allocation. They had 2 slots for P&F in 1.0 and the creators of the show chose Phineas and Agent P because they were the 2 most popular characters on the show. Considering that Phineas and Agent P were not huge sellers for 1.0, is it worth it to go back to Ferb later?

The Gravity Falls 3DS game was developed and distributed by UbiSoft, so I'm not sure Disney had much, if any, money tied up in it.

There have also been separate games released for Planes and Big Hero 6 during Infinity's life cycle.

There are lots of reasons that go into deciding every single figure we get. Popularity, gameplay, mechanics, source material, creator input, development cycle, resources, etc.
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby Elmo STM » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:15 pm

As Romulus said it most likely wouldn't be worth going back to add ferb. When 2.0 was coming we knew that there wouldn't be dipper and Mabel figures due to an upcoming game (which I assume is the 3ds game). It's possible that they could come in an update late into 3.0 but doubt it. Maybe 4.0.

For BH6 I hope they add them but until a sequel they might not sell well enough.

As JV said their bench is deep and with soooo many major characters still not included my hopes for wall e have diminished lol.

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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby vynsane » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:50 pm

Also, they run the risk of putting all their eggs in one basket if DI is the only avenue used to release videogames for their characters. By having Avalanche develop DI and other developers create other kinds of games with other kinds of characters, they make money in more than one way.
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby Hopeless » Sat Dec 12, 2015 8:13 pm

It would be nice that it doesn't take a vote to get Peter Pan included because they look upon Disney Infinity as advertising the latest movie rather than well loved characters they have full access to let alone entire series they could rerelease if people were interested.

I hear Olaf and Mabel wiped the board in a vote yet they went with 3 characters from movies one of which isn't out until around March next year... sure they included Olaf but why bother with the voting if you're going to ignore the results?

Sorry not impressed the less said about the Marvel playset the better just bought the speedway expansion, at least that is enjoyable which says alot as Lego Star wars made me loathe podracing!

Any chance they might preview the start of the TFA playset?
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby GuyCC75 » Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:44 pm

I have to agree that it's unfortunate that it takes direct fan interaction to provide the only solution to getting more "classic" characters, instead of what's popular at the movies. I mean, certainly not dump ALL the classics in one go so that they can have a few years of content, but characters like Goofy still being MIA is head-scratching.

Fortunately, they have a TON of characters they can work with, so hopefully we'll get a few obscure ones into the mix as well... as long as "variant" figures don't start taking over. It will be interesting to see how they handle Pirates, Cars, Incredibles, etc in the future.

Was Good Dinosaur actually any good? It sort of came and went without so much as a peep.
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Re: Cannot include characters because "reasons".

Postby JustNCredible » Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:20 pm

I could care less about Goofy. I have four friends that play DI because of me and I think I can speak on their behalf that they could all care less about him too. Not saying I wouldn't enjoy him, but seeing as they're doing one Classic from the Disney OG's a year I don't think it's much of a head scratcher that he isn't included yet. It actually makes a lot of sense to me personally. Point is, no one on this board, myself included, really knows what everyone wants. Especially since this board is primarily made up of older and biased Classic Disney fans and not made up of the primary target audience of this game which is kids who are fans of newer and more popular franchises (New Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars). I know a lot of kids (I try to indoctrinate any neighborhood kid, relative, or otherwise, I meet lol) who don't care about the Disney movies I grew up on. They're much faster to bring up new Disney characters I don't know. Now that's not every kid, of course there are some who like the old ones too. I'm just going off of what I've seen and heard, and I've talked to a couple dozen at least. When the new Alice movie drops I guarantee that 90% of the audience who plays this game would rather have Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter than the classic one. But everyone on this board will act like it's a travesty to include movie versions of these characters. That's the only head scratcher here.
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