Toy Box Creations for 1.0

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Toy Box Creations for 1.0

Postby frankbradz » Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:17 pm

I bought 3.0 for Christmas and have been enjoying the community created Toy Box creations. I also picked up 1.0 on the cheap and I'm trying to figure out how to access the community created Toy Boxes from that edition. From the menu screen I select Online/Multiplayer >> Toy Box Share >> Disney's Toy Boxes and I get a long list of Toy Boxes, which don't seem to be sorted in any particular order.

On YouTube I came across this video from the end of 2013, from the Toy Box TV community team, listing the best Toy Box creations for that year, from 1.0. I can't seem to find their recommendations (e.g. Tangled Hunt & The Big Room) anywhere on the list of available Toy Boxes I'm seeing when I go to the screen mentioned above. Should I be able to find these Toy Boxes?

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