Help needed with enemy path connections in 2d level

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Help needed with enemy path connections in 2d level

Postby Steamboat Silly » Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:40 pm

Hello. I am making a 2d platformer and have run into two issues. I have the player and camera connected to a straight line path and it works fine. Classic 2d platform action, but when the level starts I get a quick error message about needing to connecting an actor to the path. Any ideas why I get that? Also I created an enemy wave generator, with a locator spawn, and connected the generator to the path, but it seems like the bad guys are not in the same path line as the player. Sometimes my attacks hit, and other times the enemy is not lined up correctly. Any suggestions about how to fix this? Thank you,
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Re: Help needed with enemy path connections in 2d level

Postby GermanBoldItalic » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:33 pm

I'm not sure about the actor path, but enemies will not stay on a 2D path. The only work around for this that I know of is to put invisible barrier where the enemies are to keep them on the same plane as the character.
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Re: Help needed with enemy path connections in 2d level

Postby Steamboat Silly » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:35 pm

ugh. thank you
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