When we all become millionaires

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When we all become millionaires

Postby Jazz820 » Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:44 pm

So to start this off I must explain what happened the other day while infinity shopping.
I had about three gift cards to Target and thought I'd use them on The Force Awakens figures and playsets. I proceed to check out to a more elder woman who was very kind and asked me if I had seen the new movie yet. It kind of shocked me as usually the cashiers don't really comment on what you're purchasing. I said I had seen it opening night with my brother. She then continued to say how good she enjoyed it. As I'm swiping my cards she says, "The poor souls who threw away their old ones." I was confused by what she was saying now, until she told me, "Hold onto these for as long as you can and keep the boxes as well, these could make you a millionaire one day and your kids will thank you." I thanked her and started to leave but it's made me think, are these Star Wars figures, especially The Force Awakens, one day going to be worth that much? I'm just getting them for infinity, I didn't even think of them as just Star Wars toys.
What do you all think? One day will these Star Wars figures be worth a lot? Has anyone else saved their packaging? The real question is, who really wants to sell them in the future though ;)
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Re: When we all become millionaires

Postby ElvisRV » Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:34 pm

Some day they will be, but not as soon as you might think. These toys won't be worth serious dough for at least 20 years when there is zero trace of them.
I'm a big fan of Pixar and Disney Movies, and the Skylanders games. The Cars franchise and Ratatouille are my favorite Pixar movies. Paperman is my favorite thing to ever come out of Disney!
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