Question about Toy Box Saves in 3.0

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Question about Toy Box Saves in 3.0

Postby frankbradz » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:23 am

In 3.0 when I go to the Toy Box Menu from the Main Menu and select Toy Box Saves, I see two tabs. One is called Toy Box and the other Toy Box Games. What is the difference between these two tabs?
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Re: Question about Toy Box Saves in 3.0

Postby semerien » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:55 pm

Toy Box Save is your basic save from any toy box you have been working on.

Toy Box Games require you to put a Game Maker Creativitoy down in the toybox. You can then save your toy box as a toy box game. A toy box game will automatically start all the filter options you have set in the game maker tool, usually making the game uneditable to everyone.

A toy box game maker is also required if you want to have a leaderboard on your submitted toybox.
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