New To Infinity - Need some How To's

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New To Infinity - Need some How To's

Postby ajkochev » Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:49 am


I'm new to Infinity world. This past couple of weeks I've been collecting previously played figures from various Games Stops and I got the 3.0 starter pack just last night for Xbox One.

I'm a pretty good model builder and used my skills to restore the figures to factory or better(fixed a few flaws). If there is enough interest I'd be willing to post a how to on figure restoration with photos.

I'm in need of some help with the game.

1. I'm being told I cannot get online due to: " Some User Profiles are not Allowed Online" messages. I've been unable to figure out how to resolve this as other games work. I'd like to see and download some areas from online.

2. I really could use a good how to on how to build the various Toy Box areas videos are preferable.

3. Is there anyway to lock the camera to always stay at the players back?

4. Any other tips that will help a Noob get going quick.

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Re: New To Infinity - Need some How To's

Postby semerien » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:23 pm

First off, welcome to Infinity. I'll try to answer those questions as well as I can.

1. I'm PS4 myself but I believe I have heard people having this issue before. I think an XBOX one can have multiple user accounts logged in at the same time. You have to ensure only the ONE account is logged in. Again, I believe this was the information I heard, perhaps someone with an XBOX One can answer better.

2. How-To's on what exactly? If you check the Disney Infinity YouTube page they have lots of how to video's on the various tools in the game. That would be a great starting point. After that there are a few of us out there who take things a little more advanced, but I wouldn't start there.

3. I assume you are looking for a 3rd person perspective. There are multiple camera's in the toy box, but that exact perspective I've always had difficulty achieving. I've managed it occasionally in 3.0 (when I had no intention of doing so) so I will keep looking into it.

4. Tips? Sure, Infinity seems simple but once you get into the Creativitoys it is a very powerful game engine of sorts.

- Start Small . There is nothing worse than building and decorating a great big world and finding out your idea is not possible with the tools we have.

- Speaking of that, test out idea's in new toy boxes. Try them on a small scale to see if they will work how you want. Save yourself a lot of headaches this way.

- Think outside the box. Just because you watch a tutorial and they tell you to do something one way, doesn't mean it's the only way you can do it. That person's way may not match up exactly with what you wanted to happen. Play around with the tools, get a feel for how they work ... they are amazingly powerful when you figure them out.

- Don't just watch the tutorials .. copy them. Seeing is one thing, doing it yourself really helps you solidify your understanding of how things work.

Again, welcome. We have a very friendly community and someone is always willing to help out.
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