
if there is no specific Disney Infinity forum then it goes in here


Postby goofyspaceranger » Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:43 pm

One of the P-Tech students asked me recently whether I was a "real gamer". I said "no", because I bought my PS4 to only play a single game. He responded, "You bought a PS4 to play a single game?! You're a real gamer!". Hilarious. Really, I play lots of games, as Disney Infinity is a franchise of games, and it's terrific.

There's plenty of Marvelous Merchandising genius behind it, too - It centralizes cross-platform console gaming for the Walt Disney Company into one franchise, spread out across each year with waves of figures, Play Sets, and Power Discs that often correspond to Disney's movie releases. It has weekly contests with weekly YouTube videos to provide new insights & new showcasing of Toy Box Artistry. And it has that social media mogul that keeps everyone all a-twitter ;). They should be allowed a marketing hiccup here or there.

DI tried a digital exclusive for the Tron figures, fans responded, DI listened to feedback, and the figures are now available.

DI tried a custom costume exclusive for Spidey on the Vita, fans responded, DI listened to feedback, and the figure will soon be available.

DI released a Play Set without a second figure (at a slightly lower price) and a pre-order promo that only includes 2.0 figures, and so DI is listening to feedback again. And this time around, is there some figure that console gamers are excluded from? No. Small hiccup. Life is full of them.

It's still terrific. This "real gamer" is still a fan 8-).
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Re: Hiccups

Postby Amaie G » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:37 am

This was amazing haha!!! I totally agree with you I have stated that Disney Infinity has such a big and bright future ahead of itself and has become the King of Toys to Life now and I believe will continue to stay there as long as they continue to listen to feedback!!!
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Re: Hiccups

Postby goofyspaceranger » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:31 pm

Agreed, the future of their franchise looks very bright. It's their response to the hiccups that are relevant, not the hiccups themselves.

The first project of our P-Tech Toy Box Club was "The Imitation Game of Tomorrowland" featuring Quorra from Tron Legacy. When I made the introduction hub, I had Quorra open up a "Tron Gate" with an "encryption key" to reach Tomorrowland, knowing that I'd be recording the gameplay on my PS4 with the new Quorra figure - snuck in some insider kudos of how well their team listens to the players. Fun stuff 8-).
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