Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Sherrif Ben » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:32 pm

That's a shame, but 3 march isn't that far anymore.
Can someone share some gamefootage of Infinite Infinity, please.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Sheriff Woody » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:16 am

^ i don't know anyone who has been aprrroved and has project access yet.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Zmillfarmer » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:21 am

It looks like the site is going through a major update.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby megadrive2 » Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:50 pm

Well, that time has come, official server has gone down for good, hopefully infinite infinity will go live soon and we will start getting approved this weekend.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Zmillfarmer » Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:21 pm

It is just a shame that Disney Corp does not have the same vision and caring as Walt did.

Here is a video of the first D23 Archive where they air the last video Walt did

You can tell he cared deeply about his audience beyond getting our last schillings.

Walt delivered . . . Iger not so much and it is a shame

Disney Corp basically sold us a bill of goods while proclaiming their creation of Community support and then . . . No contact, No Time when things would go poof . . . No Class

I think Walt would fire them all.

Personally I have lost faith in the Disney Corp Brand.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Paradox » Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:22 pm

I've said this before but will say it again because I feel strongly about it. We take 2 trips a year to WDW. Occasionally, but not often, we manage to get a third short trip in. With each passing year over the past 10 years, give or take, the experience gets worse and worse. Not because of the employees we interact with at the parks, restaurants and resorts we stay at but rather it is because of the decisions the big wigs in corporate make.

I feel the same thing about Infinity. Those actively involved with the game, from John V down truly cared and tried their hardest I am sure but unfortunately the people above them know one thing. Money. And not just making profit, but making VERY high amounts of profit. Once that goal isn't met, irregardless of how impressive profits still seem to the average individual with connected brain cells, they shut things down.

At least there are people like SheriffWoody who keep this site going and all those involved in Infinite Infinity who care enough to try and keep the magic alive even after corporate and their greed dim the lights on promising properties.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby adbe » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:43 pm

@megadrive2 : So I'm right in thinking as of yet account activations have not gone live over at letsplayagame.co.uk?

The last message on the subject seemed to say they'd be getting approved a couple of days back.

@Paradox : Exactly. They still provide an all-round superior service, but the general vibe seems that they're trying to cut as close to that line as possible. Unwise IMHO. If you leave space in the market, someone will exploit it.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Sherrif Ben » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:51 pm

Is the game already updated, online and ready to use?
I Hope so.
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Re: Disney Infinity - keeping the magic alive

Postby Zmillfarmer » Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:15 am

@paradox We have been DVC members for over 21 years and have been going to WDW for much longer than that. This January at the Boardwalk Villas we literally had rooms that made us sick and we had to move 6 times. Rooms we where shown on the ground floor level all had heavy mold smell which we also encounter at the Disney Springs Disney Store, Co-Op, Star Wars Jedi Story, the Launchbay in Hollywood Studios has a heavy toxic plastic VOC smell. Overall WDW and the Vacation Club properties continue to deteriorate due to air quality issues and very poor preventive maintenance. It took a month and a half for Disney DVC Executive Management to refund us 190 vacation points. The Cast Members and Cast member Managers on Duty where excellent but had not support from above.

My daughter and I spent today collecting sparks in the Lets get social website, exactly why we kinda know but at the end of the day it reminded us of our first days with DI 2.0 and 3.0 Hubs where we spent the first three months exploring, getting confused, learning things without touching a Playset. Those moment where Magical. Today was the same because we explored together, figured things out, got sparks and realized today's experience was just as Magical for us. Yes it was frustration with server slowdowns and other technical issues and having to figure stuff out on our own but we did it together and that is what we love about Disney Infinity. I remember all the technical and issues that some have not been fixed.

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