Help! I'm losing interest!

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Re: Looking for Reasons to continue going forward

Postby sdp4life » Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:22 pm

I enjoy collecting as much as anyone (been at it for 27 yrs) and I probably will buy some of the figures just to have because they are pretty nice figures overall. The power discs, not so much. To me those are typical game DLC type content and without an enhancement to the game experience are basically useless. If I do get into the Toy Box I may buy some individual textures and such off ebay but I can't see buying blind packs (I hate blind packs on general principle anyway).

As for the age thing, this is rated at the same level as the Lego games so I figured since he's good at those then this should be good for him as well. Also my mother was kindergarden teacher and many of her kids played Skylanders. So I figured he was the right age group for this game. Heck in Lego LOTR he completed start to finish several levels on his own without my help at all. I think this comes down a few things for him. The DI camera is not as good as the Lego camera (especially in 2 player, which is what we play most of the time) causing him to fall off buildings, get loast, etc and the control scheme has issues. Although I have little to no issues with the platforming he does struggle with it sometimes and I have noticed that some times the controls don't respond or the camera changes to a funky angle at the wrong time. Last night I did some Monsters stuff and all of a sudden I couldn't do the wall jump on a section of wall I just used a minute previously (I fell off trying to make a jump). His other issue is he is still learning to read and there is a lot of text in this game. learning to read has been frustrating for him and think this carries over. His math and problem solving are much better.

He also seems to like games with clear levels more (Lego, Mario). At times he doesn't like having to go find a mission all the time. Again my hope is future play sets provide different types of games. I'm fine with the starter pack being similar as an introduction but the add on play sets could be different.

Also I messed with the toy box a little just to see and since I've played a decent amount of the game I have unlocked a lot of toys. Trying to find them however was a pain. I hope through a software upgrade or something they make it easier to find the toys. Even if they are sorted by type (cars, people, walls, etc) that would help me. It took me about 10 minutes to find the toy I was looking for.
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Re: Looking for Reasons to continue going forward

Postby Kelleytoons » Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:54 pm

You can go to Build Mode and they are then sorted by type.
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Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby Nibelilt » Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:23 pm

Let me clear this up first, because, although I'm enjoying the game on its own, I feel like I'm missing a part of the experience from this. I am not a longtime Disney/Pixar follower, or super movie enthusiast in general. I have nothing against either of them or the film industry- I think they're both fantastic companies that do amazing work, and I love a lot of their productions(just see how much I SQUEE over Wreck-It Ralph), and I'm very interested in what they do, but I just can't geek over it or get into it a ton.
There are things I prefer doing in my time over movies, which are just a few a year to me(usually 3, tops). I find film, especially all forms of animation, fascinating, but I'm not very knowledgeable about a lot of it, and if I watch too much it becomes tiring because I'm a bit too restless for my own good. This is one thing keeping me from enjoying the game like I could: I only have "that special nostalgia" and deep knowledge for a few Disney/Pixar franchises, and unfortunately, not many of them have popped up in Infinity yet.

I'm genuinely unsure of wether I want Infinity any more. I really like Infinity, mostly because the figures are awesome and they're so fun to collect, but there are tons of things I'd be able to collect. The Toy Box is great, but Minecraft is a more enjoyable Sandbox game to me, and the play sets are far from the best of their genres(even though I seem to be only one out of about five people who likes them...).
TBH, the biggest thing making me keep the game is the community, but I haven't even been popping in lately, not just due to my having a break, but because I'm losing interest with Infinity too(though if you're curious, I'll continue lurking the non-Infinity forums even if I get rid of the game).

I also think, just my personal opinion- not to turn this into a VS topic so please don't debate about how good that franchise is- I may be enjoying Skylanders more, despite how sickeningly repetitive it is, due to the fact the figures feel more "integral" to the experience of that franchise so it just felt more unique, and I fear I'll get sick of Toys To Life or get too much stress if I stay collecting both at once.
I think Infinity is a technically superior game, by quite a bit, but I find Skylanders "magical" due to the fact the toys have actual, proper upgrades which makes it feel like they are going on adventures, not just lame experience levels. Again, this is NOT A BATTLE BETWEEN THEM, but overall Infinity is feeling more like TTL was chucked in, which is making it feel like a great game, with a slapped on gimmick later. I am only bringing in Skylanders to compare it with Infinity, in that I feel Skylanders handled this gimmick better, so it felt more unique and I feel like I could justify it more because of that. The combination of not being a Disney/Pixar enthusiast and there being better games from the genres to play, is making Infinity not feel especially special to justify the time and effort I've spent on it, which is much more than an average game.

Infinity is using up a bunch of my gaming time- because it IS a really good game, but to be honest, I feel like I could be playing more interesting and fun games during that time, or doing more productive things in general, and I feel like I could get a similar experience by just watching the films.

I'd like genuine advice, please. If you're only going to be Snark Bait or only plan to convince me "Skylanders isn't that great"(I'm planning to buy it either way and it doesn't make a huge impact on wether I'd keep Infinity by itself sooo), I would appreciate it if you keep those out. e.o I'm looking for critical ideas, both positives and negatives to keeping/getting rid of Infinity, not just negs to get rid of it or positives to justify keeping it, so I'll be taking those in consideration most. I'm really at a loss for what to do here. :?

I'd also like to make my decision soon. I think soon Mickey will drop in price, but I was considering getting rid of him while he's hot because that could practically recuperate the costs of my collection(you never get everything back full-price). :roll: But if I keep Infinity, I'll kick myself for doing that...

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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby Sleepy0429 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:30 pm

Can I get your mickey if you sell it?
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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby altiareagle » Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:15 pm

^I can't tell if comic relief or serious.
I'm sorry that its becoming a bit dull to you, I think its because everyone hyped it up. I've been taking a little break from the game as well and played MP and Campaigns of one of my favorite games.
Pros Vs Cons
P: Infinity is fun! It has lots of elements that children and adults love. It has sandbox building and fun materials to use in the game.
C: Infinity costs a lot of dough, you need to buy a character for a lot of cool elements and it also forces you to collect if you want something inside of a vault.
I'm having my mind on something else right now, sorry that my list hasn't been long enough for a great decision.
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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby FelixBrownSLC » Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:28 pm

As with any franchise, it evolves and grows. We learn what's working and what can be improved upon. Many players will experience and enjoy from it's early inception and some will wait and climb aboard later on. But this really is just the beginning!
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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby ArchuLinShved14 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:56 pm

Sorry to hear that. But Disney Infinity will get better.
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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby tangled&tron » Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:37 am

I would get out now and then maybe come back for DI2 if their is any significant improvements.

I'm not sure exactly when it was... but i think it was like after 30 mins of just playing around in the toy box that I realized DI was totally not worth it. Because even if you managed to unlock everything in the toy box and got every single power disc... you are still limited by the toy box itself.

My main problem with DI is every time I played the game I would find myself thinking, "Man... it would've been so awesome if they only did this... or if I could only do that." IMO there are just so many missed opportunities in the game design. Weird though... I never thought that when I played the Toy Story 3 videogame... and it is basically the same game; I thought the TS3 game was amazing.
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Re: Help! I'm losing interest!

Postby packetloss » Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:19 am


I do not have any suggestions to you. I however do want to thank you for writing up your feelings and insights in to this game. I have been and still am on the decision edge: Do I invest more time and money in to it or do I get rid of what I have or set it aside until it matures and has something that brings me fully in to it's grasp.

I typed up about 4 paragraphs of text then decided I do not have enough experience with the game to speak properly on behalf of any of it aside from disc collection so I will just leave the response is as.

Thanks again Nibelilt
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