Limitations on Australia itunes - getting cranky!

Limitations on Australia itunes - getting cranky!

Postby buckmana » Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:14 am

It seems like the Australian iTunes store is always so far behind the rest of the world.
There are two shows I am waiting for, but they're not in the store to purchase. :(
Keep in mind the Americans already can purchase these shows. :x

This is my most latest gripe.
I am collecting songs where Vanessa sings as a duet or solo.
I got two of the ones I wanted, but the third was not available:

I searched the internet to get a comparison and apparently, it's available in the German and French stores.
According to this link, it's available on the Walmart exclusive version of this soundtrack:
But naturally, we don't have that store in my country.
I'm expecting the exclusive deal is what prohibited the iTunes version from adding it to that album.

I'm fast loosing patience with the limitations placed on iTunes by our local tv stations.
If you are wondering why they are the ones to blame, they told iTunes you can't put these shows up for sale until we've shown them on our channels.
Danny Phantom and MLaaTR experienced severe delays and Alex Mack still isn't out, even though it's very old (relatively).

Mind you, that policy means nothing to me, since I don't watch tv (due to poor and haphazard scheduling of my favorite shows) or the fact that most of these channels are pay2watch (cable), which I can't afford.
So, they're not going to get me as a viewer/customer anyway.
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