DIF Skype and IRC channels and how-to-join

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DIF Skype and IRC channels and how-to-join

Postby Finn-Warrior » Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:49 am

I will be maintaining both of these chat methods, so feel free to use either one!


I've made a Skype-group called Disney Infinity Fans.

Whoever wished to join, first add


to your Skype-contacts and I'll add you to the group. A little message about the group would be nice, I wouldn't want to add complete strangers. I'll only add registered DIF users, so make sure you are one before adding my contact info.


Network: Quakenet
Channel: #disneyinfinityfans

You can either use this web browser IRC (http://webchat.quakenet.org/), a browser IRC-application, like Chatzilla (http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/), or an IRC-program, which supports Quakenet. I can probadly assume that there's a number of IRC apps for your smart devices too, so search them up on your respective store.

When using webchat, you are greeted with a window which asks for your nickname and channel. You should imput the following:

If you wish to register a nickname so the Q-bot will recognize you (and your admin status if you are given one by me), you should follow these steps (they look quite fancy, but I'll try to explain this in the simplest way I can):

1. First, you need to say Hello to the Q-bot with a following command: (/msg Q HELLO e-mail e-mail) without parentheses. For example: /msg Q HELLO your@email.com your@email.com. You are then given a password by the Q-bot, and it'll be delivered to your e-mail.

2. Then, you need to authorize yourself using this command: (/msg Q AUTH Nick Password) without parentheses. For example: /msg Q AUTH Finn-Warrior thisismypassword.

3. If you want to change your default password (which is given by the end of part 1), use this command: (/msg Q NEWPASS oldpass newpass newpass) without parentheses. For example: /msg Q NEWPASS thisismypassword mynewpass mynewpass.

Once you're in the channel, you can use some commands that can help you in a number of ways:

/me (message) - Refers to something that you're doing. This is more for the funzies though. Example: /me yawns. which imputs this in the channel: *Finn-Warrior yawns.

/join (channel) - When you've logged in to the Quakenet, with this command you'll join the channel you've imput. Example /join #disneyinfinityfans

/away (message) - Sets you away on the channel. Example: /away Food, brb. After that, just input /away WITHOUT the message, and it'll mark you as not being away.

/nick (newnickname) - If you at any point wish to change your shown nickname. Example /nick Mynewnick. REMEMBER, if you've authorized yourself, this will NOT change the nickname you used to auth with, it only changes the one that is displayed in the user list.

/whois (nickname) - This'll show some information about the user. Example /whois Finn-Warrior.

/query (nickname) - This command will start a private conversation with the user who's nickname you used. Example /query Finn-Warrior. With webchat browser IRC, it's included in the user list dropdown menu by default. (Click the nickname, a dropdown menu appears, and choose query)

Here's a more throughout list of commands. This is especially useful for the moderators

Also, clicking a nickname on the user list brings up a menu of some commands. Use the slap-command in moderation though ;)

I'll add every single moderator/admin from these forums to this channel's moderation team, once they've authorized their nicknames to Q-bot. You can PM me about this, or contact me via the irc channel.
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Modeltrainman » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:00 pm

I already have a chat room for IF. Guess we have two...
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby altiareagle » Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:30 pm

I think I can chat tonight if i make one soon.
Kinda tired.
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Infinite Mickey » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:39 am

I am chatting right know for anyone who wants to talk.
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Infinite Mickey » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:52 am

Crud, I got disconnected.
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Nibelilt » Sat May 24, 2014 8:44 am

Heading on there now.

It would be nice if this had more publicity (like a crosspost on one of the other, more active forums so more people noticed it, or something). I've checked the chatroom a couple of times but the only other people I've ever seen on are MTM (who I've only seen there once, and he didn't seem to be active when I checked anyway) and Finn-Warrior, and usually I just see nobody, which discourages me from checking it.

I'm going to try to visit every AEST Sat/Sun evening a few times, so if anyone else really wants to use the chat you might bump into me then if you're on.

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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Finn-Warrior » Sat May 24, 2014 3:41 pm

I have something planned in the near future. I'll try to be online as much as possible, but I would like to ask you guys do the same; stay in the channel, even if there's nothing going on. Leave it in a browser tab and check it at times.
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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby Nibelilt » Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:02 am

I'm online now, in case anyone is thinking of hopping on. I'll stay on for a while (as long as I'm online here I'll be online on the chat)

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Re: DIF IRC channel and how-to-join

Postby KyletheCartoonist » Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:05 pm

There's nobody in the chat room.
Not dead, just busy. :)
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